
Albert, Eugen d’ (1864-1932)

Autograph musical quotation signed from his masterpiece “Tiefland”

Scottish-born pianist and composer. Autograph musical quotation signed “Eugen d’Albert”. 1p., bifolium, 5.75 x 8.75 inch, Kärnten (Austria), (1)914 June, no day. Fine musical quotation marked “Tiefland” and inscribed to an unknown person. Mailing folds, minor handling wear, else fine condition. In the summer of 1914, d'Albert and his fifth wife, Friedrike, traveled to Villach in Kärnten to go on vacation. Tiefland (The Lowlands) is an opera in a prologue and two acts by Eugen d'Albert, to a libretto in German by Rudolf Lothar. Tiefland was d' Albert's seventh opera, and is the one which is now the best known. 


Price: $ 570 / € 475



Baker, Josephine (1906-1975)

Signed photograph

American-born French dancer, singer and actress. Vintage signed photograph “votre Josephine”. Postcard, 3.5 x 5.5 inch, n.p., n.d. The image depicting Baker in a full-length pose in costume. Verso printed “ANNABACOA” and “Par autorisation spéciale de Jospehine Baker. Les MILANDES (Dordogne).” Signed in blue ballpoint pen. Fine condition. Rare postcard, especially signed by Baker.

Price: $ 370 / € 310



Bartók, Béla (1881-1945)

Program signed

Hungarian composer, pianist and ethnomusicologist. He is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th century. He and Liszt are regarded as Hungary's greatest composers. Signed printed program “Bartók Béla”. Four pages, two separate sheets, 6.25 x 9.25 inch, 1937 February 19, in Hungarian. The classical music concert included quartet works by Beethoven, Haydn and Bartok. Signed in bold black ink to the second page alongside his printed name and quartet presentation. With three binder holes to the border, else good.

Price: $ 725 / € 600



Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)

Autograph letter signed re: Goethe poem

German composer, pianist, conductor of the Romantic period and one of the greatest composers of all time. Autograph letter signed “J. Brahms”. Card, gold edges, 4.5 x 3.5 inch, recto and verso, n.p., n.d. To an unknown friend/ poet. In German, in full: “Lieber Freund. Deinen freundlichen Gruß angemessen erwiedernd wünsche ich Dir angenehmste Sommerferien. Dein Gedicht aus der neuen Goethe-Ausgabe (falls Du es noch erinnerst) steht bereits im Hempel u. das schöne Wort (falls Du es noch weißt) fand ich auch bei mir schon unterstrichen. Neues giebt es aus diesem winterlichen Landaufenthalt nicht zu melden, aber wie viele würden ihre Grüße aussenden, wenn sie wüßten, daß Dir u. deiner Familie die herzlichsten sagt. Dein J. Brahms“. Translated: „Dear friend. Properly returning your friendly greeting, I wish you a pleasant summer holiday. Your poem from the new Goethe edition (if you still remember it) is already in the Hempel and I found the beautiful word (if you still remember it) already underlined in my case. There is nothing new to report from this wintry stay in the country, but how many would send their greetings if they knew that you and your family are saying the warmest. Yours, J. Brahms”. Handling wear, minor corner wear, else fine condition. Gustav Hempel (1819-1877) was a German publisher. Hempel became famous through an ambitious project to publish a collection of editions of German classics, including Goethe, Schiller, Herder and so on.

Price: $ 4,700 / € 3.900



Caruso, Enrico (1873-1921)

Self-caricature signed

World renowned Italian tenor usually considered the greatest operatic tenor ever and the first opera star to make best-selling recordings, beginning around 1903, which are still in print to this day. A fine and characteristic hand drawn self-caricature signed “Enrico Caruso S. Paulo 1917”. 5.75 x 7.75 inch, Sao Paulo 1917. Boldly drawn in dark fountain pen ink. Autograph was previously framed, minor paper loss at the top, small pinhole, else good condition. For other similar self-caricatures see Caruso's Caricatures, New York: Dover Publications, 1977. Caruso was highly talented as a caricaturist and illustrator. This is a wonderful example with a fine and large signature.

Price: $ 1,680 / € 1.400



Caruso, Enrico (1873-1921)

Self-caricature signed

World renowned Italian tenor usually considered the greatest operatic tenor ever and the first opera star to make best-selling recordings, beginning around 1903, which are still in print to this day. A fine and characteristic hand drawn self-caricature signed “Enrico Caruso London 1905”. 5.5 x 8.25 inch, London 1905. Boldly drawn in dark fountain pen ink, signed and dated to lower margin. Mounted on cardboard, some light soiling and age wear and light horizontal fold to the centre, else fine condition. For a similar self-caricature, only facing to the left, see Caruso's Caricatures, New York: Dover Publications, 1977, p. 9. Caruso was highly talented as a caricaturist and illustrator. This is a nice example.

Price: $ 1,680 / € 1.400



Caruso, Enrico (1873-1921)

Autograph postcard twice signed

World renowned Italian tenor usually considered the greatest operatic tenor ever, and he was the first opera star to make best-selling recordings, beginning around 1903, which are still in print to this day. Autograph postcard twice signed “ECaruso”. Picture postcard of Prague, 5.5 x 3.5 inch, postmark New York, 1904 May 15. The postmark of Prague is illegible. Twice signed on the face at upper-right of the picture postcard. Addressed to Pasquale Simonelli (1878-1960) in New York, an Italian-American banker who was instrumental in securing Caruso for the New York Metropolitan Opera. Throughout his life, he continued to engage other famous opera singers, including Maria Barrientos, Beniamino Gigli, Titta Ruffo, Riccardo Stracciari, and others for the Met. Not translated, but apparently friendly content. Caruso was fond of sending his friends postcards during his travels. Handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 410 / € 340



Casals, Pablo (1876-1973)

Autograph musical quotation signed (Cello Suite by Bach)

Spanish and Puerto Rican cellist, composer and conductor. He made many recordings throughout his career of solo, chamber and orchestral music, including some as conductor, but he is perhaps best remembered for the recordings he made of the Cello Suites by Bach. Autograph musical quotation signed “Pablo Casals”. Card, 5.0 x 3.0 inch, n.p., n.d. Excellent signed in fountain pen and Casals adds the first measure of the prelude from Bach's unaccompanied cello Suite III in C Major. Two stains, else fine condition. Casals purportedly played a Bach suite every morning when he rose from bed. Great autograph!

Price: $ 1,020 / € 850



Chevalier, Maurice (1888-1972)

Vintage large signed photograph

French actor, cabaret singer and entertainer. Vintage signed photograph, probably from a concert program. 8.75 x 12.0 inch, n.p., n.d. Signed in ballpoint pen “Maurice Chevalier”. Left border trimmed, slightly discolored, minor handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 115 / € 95



Debussy, Claude (1862-1918)

Autograph letter signed to pianist Walter Morse Rummel

French composer and one of the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Autograph letter signed “Claude Debussy”. 2 pages, recto and verso of a card, 5.0 x 3.5 inch, Paris (postmark), 1916 November 26. PREPARING FOR EUROPEAN PREMIERE OF "THE ÉTUDES". To pianist Walter Morse Rummel, agreeing to the date of December 14, authorizing him to describe the occasion as the "first audition of the Études of C.D." reporting that his wife remains ill, and requesting that the sixteenth-notes not be disturbed until they arrive. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope hand addressed in Debussy’s hand. Fine condition. Walter Morse Rummel (1887-1953) was a prominent pianist, especially associated with Claude Debussy's works, as well as a composer and music editor. Fine, especially with the hand addressed envelope.

Price: $ 2,940 / € 2.450



Dvořák, Antonín (1841-1904)

Charming autograph letter signed

Czech composer and one of the first to achieve worldwide recognition, most famous for his Symphony No. 9 - From the New World. Charming autograph letter signed in English, signed “A. Dvorak”. 1p., 4.5 x 6.75 inch, Vysoká, July 26, 1885. Handwritten letter to Henry Littleton of the music publisher Novello and Co. In full: "I have the pleasure to announce you my arrival (final on the 17th Aug: in the morning) (6.10 o'clock) & I hope to meet you at the station (Charing's Cross or Victoria); if you cannot be able to get up so early in the morning, I will find the way at Berners Street alone. Please, would you sent me a word? With many regards Yours sincerely". In fine condition, with faint staining along the left edge from an old mounting strip on the reverse. Dvorak took part in the Birmingham Triennial Music Festival in August 1885; the cantata “The Spectre's Bride” (Op. 69) was composed for the occasion and published by Novello. Henry Littleton  was made a partner in Novello’s  in 1861 and bought the business soon after. The village of Vysoká u Příbramě is located approximately 50 km south-west of Prague. It is a place which played a highly significant role in Dvořák’s private and professional life and can without exaggeration be described as his second home.

Price: $ 3,500 / € 2.900



Furtwängler, Wilhelm (1886-1954)

Signed Grammophon postcard photograph

Highly regarded German conductor and composer. Signed photograph “Wilhelm Furtwängler”. Postcard, 4.25 x 5.75 inch, n.p., n.d. (about 1920). Grammophon postcard printed “Wilhelm Furtwängler nur auf “Grammophon” - “Die Stimme seines Herrn”. Black and white half-length portrait of a younger Furtwängler. Signed in dark black ink. Minor handling wear, else good condition, with a dark fine signature.

Price: $ 925 / € 770



Furtwängler, Wilhelm (1886-1954)

Autograph postcard signed

Highly regarded German conductor and composer. Autograph postcard signed “Wilhelm Furtwängler”. Postcard, 5.25 x 3.25 inch. Bern, 1923 April 26 (postmark). Addressed to the singer Mary Komorn-Rebhan in Vienna. Furtwängler sends holiday greetings. In German, in full: "Liebe Frau Komorn, die allerschönsten Grüße von einer Kunstreise. Immer Ihr Wilhelm Furtwängler“. The photo page shows a view of Bern. Upper right edge expertly repaired, else good condition.

Price: $ 500 / € 420



Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907)

Autograph musical quotation signed “This is how life should be!”

Norwegian composer and pianist. He is widely considered one of the leading Romantic era composers, and his music is part of the standard classical repertoire worldwide. Autograph musical quotation signed “Edvard Grieg”. 1p., bifolium, 7.0 x 8.75 inch. Stuttgart, February 1890. In Grieg’s hand a C Major chord and the Swedish verse “Sådan bör livet vara!...” Translated: “This is how life should be!...” Two further entries on the third and fourth page of the bifolium, one by the pianist Josef Weiss (Stuttgart 1890) with a short autograph musical quotation signed. Slightly discolored, else good condition.

Price: $ 2,800 / € 2.330



Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907)

Beautiful Carte-de-Visite photograph signed

Norwegian composer and pianist. He is widely considered one of the leading Romantic era composers, and his music is part of the standard classical repertoire worldwide. Beautiful Carte-de-Visite photograph signed “Edvard Grieg”. Carte-de-Visite, 2.5 x 4.0 inch, no place, April 1882. Signed and inscribed in Grieg’s hand: “Fröken Kai Dekker …” with thanks for tablecloth. Photo by Georg Brokesch, Leipzig. Minor handling wear, else fine condition.

Price: $ 1,920 / € 1.600



Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907)

Autograph letter signed

Norwegian composer and pianist. He is widely considered one of the leading Romantic era composers, his music is part of the classical repertoire worldwide. Autograph letter signed “Edvard Grieg”. 1p., 4.5 x 7.0 inch, Leipzig, 1894 February 1. In German, in full: “Hochgeehrter Herr! Herzlichen Dank für den Ausdruck Ihrer Sympathie für meine Kunst! Hochachtungsvoll“. Mailing fold, neatly mounted on thin cardboard of the same size.

Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.100



Humperdinck, Engelbert (1854-1921)

Signed photograph & Autograph musical quotation signed

Composer. Signed photograph and autograph musical quotation signed “EHumperdinck”. Black and white postcard photograph, 3.5 x 5.25 inch, n.p. (Charlottenburg), 1903. Below his signature Humperdinck has added an autograph musical quotation and the date 1903. Addressed on verso in a different hand and postmarked Charlottenburg 11.03.(19)03. Biographical information of Humperdinck in pencil on verso, good condition.

Price: $ 660 / € 550



Liszt, Franz  (1811-1886)

Autograph letter signed on his personal visiting card

Ccomposer, virtuoso pianist and conductor. His prowess at the keyboard earned him a rep. as perhaps the greatest virtuoso. Autograph letter signed “F. Liszt”. 1p., visiting card, 2.75 x 4.5 inch, n.p., n.d. Short autograph letter signed on his personal visiting card with printed „F. Liszt” in the middle. In German, in full: “Hochgeehrter Freund, Empfangen Sie freundlichst Herrn Baumeister, ein liebenswürdig ausgezeichneter Künstler, ergebenst.” Translated: "Dear friend. Please welcome Mr. Baumeister, a graciously honored artist". Fine condition. 

Price: $ 1,980 / € 1.650



Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)

Unique autograph note on his personal visiting card

Hungarian Romantic era composer, virtuoso pianist and conductor. His prowess at the keyboard earned him a reputation as perhaps the greatest virtuoso in the history of the instrument. Autograph note unsigned. A fine handwritten note in French on his personal visiting card, 4.5 x 3.0 inch, imprinted with his name, n.p., n.d. In full (translated): "With great pleasure, dear Count, I will come to your house today, 5 o'clock. Your affectionate servant." And dated “Samedi” (Saturday) in his hand at the bottom. At the end of his printed name, Liszt has penned the long, squiggly line typically used to cross the “t” in his signature. In fine condition, with a faint block of toning. A unique and desirable Liszt piece.

Price: $ 1,590 / € 1.325



Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix  (1809-1847)

Autograph letter signed

German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period. Autograph letter signed “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy”. 1p., bifolium, 4.75 x 7.5 inch, Leipzig, 1837 January 24. With a fine red “FMB” wax seal and addressed in Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s hand on verso. To the Leipzig city councilor Carl Wilhelm August Porsche, whom he asks to make an appointment for a meeting. Mendelssohn intended to seek certification of his employment as music director and joint municipal protection in Leipzig for himself and his bride, Cécile Jeanrenaud. In German, in full: „Ich wünsche dringend Sie in einer mich betreffenden Angelegenheit auf ein Paar Worte sprechen zu dürfen, u. erlaube mir daher die ergebne Anfrage ob ich Sie wohl heut im Laufe des Tages entweder in Ihrem Hause oder auf dem Rathhause antreffen könnte, u. um welche Stunde…“ Published in „Sämtliche Briefe“ Band 5 Nr. 1542. Mailing folds, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 4,950 / € 4.125



Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791-1864)

Autograph letter signed

German opera composer who has been described as perhaps the most successful stage composer of the nineteenth century. Autograph letter signed “Meyerbeer”. 1p. (bifolium), 5.25 x 8.5 inch, n.p., n.d. (Lundi = monday). Addressed on recto in Meyerbeer’s hand to the Politician and playwright Charles Guillaume Étienne (1777-1845) - member Académie francaise. In French, Meyerbeer writes that he will accept Étienne’s invitation for the coming Friday morning. Discolored, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 540 / € 450



Montand, Yves (1921-1991)

Vintage large signed photograph

Italian-French actor and singer. Vintage signed photograph, probably from a concert program. 8.75 x 12.0 inch, n.p., n.d. Signed in ballpoint pen “YMontand”. Left border trimmed, minor handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 100 / € 85



Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (1860-1941)

One of a kind original drawing signed

Polish pianist and composer, politician and spokesman for Polish independence. Original ink drawing signed “I. J. Paderewski”. Portrait in profile to the left, in medallion form, mounted on hand made paper, 4.75 x 6.75 inch, n.p., n.d. Drawing initial signed EM. (E. Martin). Signed in black ink. Mounting residue on verso, else fine condition. One of a kind item.

Price: $ 710 / € 590



Paganini, Niccolò (1782-1840)

Rare Letter Signed to famous composer Louis Spohr

Italian violinist, violist, guitarist, and composer. He was the most celebrated violin virtuoso of his time, and left his mark as one of the pillars of modern violin technique. Very rare letter signed “Niccolo Paganini”. 1p., bifolium, 8.5 x 10.0 inch, Frankfurt (Pariser Hoff), 1830 January no day. Very likely to Louis Spohr (1784-1859), court conductor in Kassel since 1822 (the address reads: “To the ducal”) and, alongside Paganini, one of the great violin virtuosos of his time, whom he canceled a planned stay in Kassel. Paganini had been on a brilliantly successful concert tour through Germany and Poland for a year, but had to interrupt it because his little son Achille was ill. In French: “… M’ayant trop retardé dans les Places en Allemagne dans lesquels j’ai donné des concerts, je suis obligé de filer tout droit a Paris. Me voila donc derobé encore pour quelques tems au desir ardent et a la haute jouis forme, d’entendre exécuter par Vous meme mon trés honnoré ami de Vos celebres compositions, dont tous connoisseurs et amateurs ressentent des eloges bien fondées; me voilà encore privé du plaisir de Vous donner quelques preuves de mon faible talent; mais patience, je depecherai mon sejour en France et en Engleterre, retourné en Allemagne, Cassel sera la premiere Ville dans la quelle je me produirai …” Translated: “…After spending too much time in the places in Germany where I have given concerts, I have to go straight to Paris. So here I am for a while longer, torn away from the glowing longing and the great pleasure of hearing you, my dear friend, perform your famous compositions, which all connoisseurs and lovers feel well-founded praise for; I am still deprived of the pleasure of giving you a proof of my feeble ability; but patience, I will hasten my stay in France and England, return to Germany, Kassel will be the first city where I will perform...". Short handwritten note in unknown hand at the top. Handling wear, discolored, slightly fragile, hole at the top edge from opening the seal, some stains, else good condition. Not listed in Codignola “Paganini intimo” (1935) und Neill “Epistolario” (1982). A fine letter between the two great violinists.

Price: $ 4,500 / € 3.750



Piaf, Édith (1915-1963)

Large photograph signed

French singer noted as France's national chanteuse and one of the country's most widely known international stars. Desirable cardstock photograph signed “Edith Piaf”. 7.75 x 10.0 inch, n.p., n.d. Columbia Disques promo photo signed in blue ballpoint. Photo by Harcourt, Paris and with the typical “CLUB DES DISQUES, Paris” stamp on verso. Minor handling wear, else fine condition. The classic Harcourt photo signed!

Price: $ 725 / € 600



Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924)

Autograph musical quotation signed “La Bohème”

Italian composer whose operas are among the important operas played as standards. Excellent autograph musical quotation signed “GPuccini”. Card, 4.0 x 2.5 inch, n.p., (1)912. The three opening bars of the aria "Sì. Mi chiamano Mimì" (“Yes they call me Mimi”) from his famous opera "La Boheme". Written on a visiting card of Dr. C. Manól as printed on verso. Slightly discolored, minor mounting residue on verso, else good condition. The world premiere of La Bohème was in Turin on 1 February 1896 at the Teatro Regio conducted by the 28-year-old Arturo Toscanini. Since then, La Bohème has become part of the standard Italian opera repertory and is one of the most frequently performed operas worldwide.

Price: $ 2,880 / € 2.400



Rossini, Gioachino (1792-1868)

Great carte-de-visite photograph signed

Italian composer. His best-known operas include the Italian comedies “Il barbiere di Siviglia” (The Barber of Seville). Great original carte-de-visite photograph signed. Inscribed by Rossini in Italian: “Ricordo d'amicizia offerta al Dr. G(iovanni) B(attista) Zampironi, Passy - 1862. G. Rossini”. 2.5 x 3.75 inch, Passy (Rossinis home between 1855-1868). Photo by Ét.(ienne) Carjat printed in the lower left corner. Giovanni Battista Zampironi (1836-1906) was an Italian pharmacist, known for being the inventor of the zampirone. Étienne Carjat (1828-1906) was a French journalist, caricaturist and photographer, best known for his numerous portraits and caricatures of political, literary and artistic Parisian figures. Mounting residue on verso, two small pin holes, horizontal bend, but photographers mount not broken, else good condition.

Price: $ 2,100 / € 1.750



Rossini, Gioachino (1792-1868)

Letter signed to famous tenor Marco Bordogni

Italian composer. His best-known operas include the Italian comedies “Il barbiere di Siviglia” (The Barber of Seville). Letter signed “Gioachino Rossini”. 2 pages, 6.75 x 8.5 inch, bifolium, n.p., 1854 December 30. Letter handwritten by Rossini’s second wife Olympe Pélissier and signed by Rossini with his rare full signature. Letter in French to “Mon cher Bordogni” in Paris. In this fine letter Rossini recommend Mr. Servadio, director of the Journal L’Arte in Florence. In parts: “Je me sert de la main de ma femme pour te recommander Monsieur Servadio, directeur du journal de L'Arte de florence compositeur de musique et agent correspondant theatrial!...” Giulio Marco Bordogni (1789-1856) was an Italian operatic tenor and singing teacher of great popularity and success. Olympe Pélissier (1799-1878) was a French artists' model, courtesan and the second wife of Rossini.

Price: $ 1,350 / € 1.125



Schumann, Clara (1819-1896)

Autograph letter signed

German pianist, composer and piano teacher. Regarded as one of the most distinguished pianists of the Romantic era. Autograph letter signed “Clara Schumann”. 1p., 5.75 x 8.75 inch, Düsseld(orf), 1879 July 6. Schumann sends her autograph to an admirer. Letter in German, in full: “Gern erfülle ich Ihren Wunsch, indem ich Ihnen meine Unterschrift sende”. Mailing folds, handling wear, pencil note (Clara Schumann) at the top erased, else fine condition. 

Price: $ 1,140 / € 950



Schumann, Clara (1819-1896)

Handwritten envelope matted with photograph

German pianist, composer and piano teacher. Regarded as one of the most distinguished pianists of the Romantic era. Handwritten envelope, 4.0 x 2.75 inch, n.p., n.d. (Frankfurt). Addressed in dark black ink in Schumann’s hand “Herrn u. Frau Georg Goltermann hier (Frankfurt) 139 Grüneburgweg“. Fine condition. Handsomely matted in gray with a photograph of Schumann to an overall of 7.75 x 11.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners.

Price: $ 660 / € 550



Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906-1975)

Scarce autograph letter signed to actor Boris Livanov

Russian composer, pianist and a prominent figure of 20th-century music. Autograph letter signed “D. Shostakovich”. 1p., 5.0 x 7.5 inch, Moscow, 1954 June 17. A fine letter in Russian to Boris N. Livanov. He congratulates him on a high award. With all his heart he wishes that he always stays happy and healthy and continues to enchant "our wonderful people" with his great art. Mailing fold, minor handling wear, else fine condition. Boris Nikolayevich Livanov (1904-1972) was a Soviet and Russian actor and theatre director. People's Artist of the USSR (1948) and a member of the Moscow Art Theatre from 1924 through 1972. Shostakovich is uncommon in handwritten letters.


Price: $ 1,800 / € 1.500



Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906-1975)

Signed photograph

Russian composer, pianist and a prominent figure of 20th-century music. Vintage matte-finish signed photograph “D. Shostakovich”. Photograph, 3.5 x 5.5 inch, n.p., 1964 June 17. Photo of Shostakovich smoking a cigarette, signed in ballpoint, with Shostakovich adding a greeting and a date of June 17, 1964. The reverse bears a photographer stamp of Horst E. Schulze, Berlin. With minor creasing to the left side, else fine condition. Uncommon in signed photographs.

Price: $ 1,260 / € 1.050



Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)

Typed letter signed

Finnish composer and violinist of the late Romantic and early-modern periods. He is widely recognized as his country's greatest composer. Typed letter signed “Jean Sibelius”. 1p. (bifolium), 5.75 x 8.25 inch, Järvenpää, 1949 December 30. Signed in pencil. To Miss Katharine Cornell. In full: “You have been extremely kind in remembering me again on my birthday with excellent cigars through the American Arts Foundation. The cigars have arrived here in perfect condition and I need not say that they were very welcome. Please accept my warmest thanks for your great kindness. You have made me very happy and proud. With kindest regards and best wishes for the new year.” Mailing folds, handling wear, else good condition.


Price: $ 970 / € 810



Strauss, Johann (1825-1899)

Carte-de-visite photograph with autograph musical quotation signed

Also known as Johann Strauss, Jr., the Younger. Austrian composer and known as "The Waltz King". Excellent carte-de-visite photograph signed “Johann Strauss”. Carte-de-visite photo, 2.5 x 4.25 inch, no place, no date. Inscribed on verso by Strauss “Fräulein Emilie Tolentino der reizenden Sängerin zur freundlichen Erinnerung an Johann Strauss”. With an autograph musical quotation by Strauss on verso, four bars from the waltz „Wiener Blut” (Vienna blood). Photograph by Schrank & Massak in Vienna, a fine head and shoulders portrait, three-quarter face, showing him in middle age. Fine condition. Wiener Blut “Vienna Blood” Op. 354 is a waltz by Johann Strauss first performed by the composer on 22 April 1873. The new dedication waltz was to celebrate the wedding of the Emperor Franz Joseph I's daughter Archduchess Gisela Louise Maria and Prince Leopold of Bavaria. However, the waltz was also noted by Strauss' biographers as the début of Strauss with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

Price: $ 4,750 / € 3.950



Strauss, Johann (1825-1899)

Impressive signed photograph

Also known as Johann Strauss, Jr., the Younger. Austrian composer and known as "The Waltz King". Impressive signed photograph “Johann Strauss”. Platinotypie, 4.0 x 5.75 inch, on 8.5 x 12.0 inch photographers mount. Inscribed by Strauss in German: „Herzliche Glückwünsche dem verehrten Collegen und Freunde Eduard Kremser zur freundlichen Erinnerung / Johann Strauss". Photograph of a paiting by Leopold Horovitz (Ischl 9. 1891). Photo by J. Löwy, Wien 1897. Slightly discolored, minor handling and corner wear, else good condition. Kremser worked from 1869 to 1899 as choirmaster of the Vienna Men's Singing Association, which, among other things, premiered the waltzes "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" and "Wine, woman and Song". Impressive photograph!

Price: $ 2,700 / € 2.250



Strauss, Johann (1825-1899)

Autograph note on his personal visiting-card

Also known as Johann Strauss, Jr., the Younger. Austrian composer and known as "The Waltz King". Autograph note UNSIGNED on his personal visiting card. Card, 4.0 x 2.0 inch, n.p., n.d., recto and verso. Printed "Johann Strauss / k.k. Hofball-Musikdirector“ and a fine note in Strauss’s hand, in German: „bittet Herrn Kapellmeister Genée das Klavierarrangement der persischen Hymne u. der Walzer übergeben zu wollen." Richard Genée worked as Kapellmeister at the Theater at the Wien from 1868 to 1878. Also enclosed is the printed obituary of the Vienna Men's Choir for Johann Strauss (Vienna, June 1899) as well as a printed invitation for a "dance evening with the Waltz King" in the ballroom of the Vienna Hofburg on the occasion of the 100th "return of the birthday of Johann Strauss" and a newspaper obituary. All in fine condition.

Price: $ 900 / € 750



Strauss, Richard (1864-1949)

Photograph signed

Richard Georg Strauss was a leading German composer of the late Romantic and early modern eras. He is known for his operas, which include “Der Rosenkavalier” and “Salome”. Strauss was also a prominent conductor throughout Germany and Austria. Signed and inscribed photograph “Herrn Franz Worff Dr Richard Strauss 20.8.37”. 3.75 x 5.5 inch black and white photo on the original 5.25 x 8.0 inch photographers mount. Signed and inscribed in dark black ink. Handling and corner wear, else good condition.

Price:  $ 960 / € 800



Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971)

Fine signed photograph and autograph note signed

Russian composer, pianist and conductor, later of French (from 1934) and American (from 1945) citizenship. He is widely considered one of the most important and influential composers of the 20th century and a pivotal figure in modernist music. Wonderful signed photograph with a long handwritten note “Igor Stravinsky”. Card, 3.75 x 5.75 inch, recto and verso, Paris, 1936 October 6. Photograph by Venturini, Roma. A fine black and white photograph with a fine handwritten note to silent film actress Dagmar Godowsky (1897-1975). Note in Stravinsky’s hand, in French: “A Dagmar Godowsky Merci, chère ami de votre mot. Mme. Seligman qui va demain à New York vous apportera et vois remettera avec cette carte le parfum que vous désirez. A bientot, j’espère - je viendrai probablement avec les Dushkin’s vers Noel…”. Translated: “To Dagmar Godowsky Thank you, dear friend for your word. Mrs. Seligman who is going to New York tomorrow will bring you and give you with this card the perfume you want. See you soon, I hope - I will probably come with the Dushkin’s around christmas…”. Slightly discolored and minor handling wear, else fine condition. Also included is a fine UNSIGNED vintage black and white photograph (9.25 x 6.75 inch) of Stravinsky at the piano, stamped on verso “Studio-Lipnitzki”, Paris”.

Price: $ 1,200 / € 1.000



Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971)

Typed letter signed re: his opera “Rake’s Progress”

Russian composer, pianist and conductor, later of French (from 1934) and American (from 1945) citizenship. He is widely considered one of the most important and influential composers of the 20th century and a pivotal figure in modernist music. Typed letter signed “I. Stravinsky”. 1p., 6.5 x 10.25 inch, Hollywood, 1950 June 21. Letter to his attorney Mr. L. Arnold Weissberg in New York. In full: “Thanks for your letter of June 19. As it is likely that Mr. Ricketson will not be very long before contacting you in New-York, I have had a copy made of my contract with Hawkes concerning the “RAKE’S PROGRESS” copy that I am enclosing herewith (not enclosed). Waiting now for the next developments, and expecting to hear from you before long.” Punch holes, mailing folds, handling wear, else good condition. The Rake's Progress is Stravinsky's longest work and is widely considered one of the few great operas composed since the 1920s. 

Price: $ 900 / € 750



Toscanini, Arturo (1867-1957)

Signed photograph

Italian conductor, known for his dynamic interpretations of Beethoven, Verdi and Wagner. Fine paper photograph “Arturo Toscanini 6-3-1937”. 5.5 x 9.0 inch, n.p. (Rotterdam), 1937 March 6. Black and white chest up portrait probably removed from a book or program. Minor mounting residue at the top on verso, else good condition. Toscanini had conducted the Residentie-Orkest that day in Rotterdam.

Price: $ 590 / € 490



Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Wonderful cabinet-card-photograph signed 

Italian composer of operas. Verdi came to dominate the Italian opera scene after the era of Gioachino Rossini, Vincenzo Bellini and Gaetano Donizetti, whose works influenced him and his operas remain extremely popular. Wonderful cabinet-card-photograph signed and inscribed “A Anton Giulio Barrili con simpatia e l'altra stima St Agata 19 Maggio 1892” (“To Anton Giulio Barrili with sympathy and esteem St Agata 19 May 1892”). St Agata (Villa Verdi), 1892 May 19. A fine gold edge photograph marked “SEBASTIANUTTI & BENQUE, MILANO” on the front and on verso. Minor paper loss at the top, else fine condition. Surely one of the finest Verdi signed photographs you can hope to find. Villa Verdi is the estate house that composer Giuseppe Verdi ordered built in 1848 and where he lived from that year until the end of his life. It is in the village of Sant'Agata 3.5 km north of the town of Busseto, which itself lies 4.5 km west-north-west of the tiny village of Le Roncole.

Price: $ 4,650 / € 3.900



Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Autograph letter signed in fine condition 

Italian composer of operas. Autograph letter signed “G. Verdi”. 1p., bifolium, 4.5 x 7.0 inch, Montecantini, 1891 July 7. Uncommon letter in French, in full: “Monsieur Sauchon, J’ai reçu le Bulletin de compte relevé pour la 168 répartition avril 1891. J’ai reçu aussi le chèque de L. 555:97 pour N. de Sandoz et C., que j’exigerai quand j’irai à Gênes vers la fin de ce mois. Agréez, Mr Sauchon, l’expression de ma considération distinguée”. Translated: “Mr. Sauchon, I received the Account Statement for the 168 distribution April 1891. I also received the check for L. 555:97 for N. de Sandoz and C., which I will demand when I go to Genoa towards the end of this month. Accept, Mr Sauchon, the expression of my distinguished consideration.” Mailing fold, blue pencil note at the top, else fine condition. Verdi visited Montecantini (Italian comune of c. 20,000 inhabitants in the province of Pistoia, in the Italian region of Tuscany) for over 20 years.

Price: $ 2,160/ € 1.800



Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)

Autograph letter signed to one of his students

German composer, theater director and conductor who is primarily known for his operas especially “The Ring of the Nibelung”. Autograph letter signed “Richard Wagner”. 1 page, 5.25 x 8.25 inch, bifolium, no place, no date (about 1860), written and signed in dark black ink. In German: "Meine verehrteste Schülerin! Wollen Sie die Güte haben, mit Vorweisung dieser Karte, baldmöglichst zu Mr. Giacomelli, 5 Rue Geoffroi-Marie Fbg Montm(artre) schicken, so werden Sie das Gewünschte noch erhalten können. Herzlich habe ich mich gefreut von Ihnen ein Lebenszeichen zu erhalten, und würde mit grossen Vergnügen Ihnen diese Freude persönlich mittheilen! Mit den besten Empfehlungen Ihr ergebenster“. Translated: "My dearest student! If you would be so kind to send this card to Mr. Giacomelli, 5 Rue Geoffroi-Marie Fbg Montm(artre) as soon as possible, you will still be able to get what you want. I was very happy to receive a sign of life, and it would be my great pleasure to share this joy with you personally!” Mailing folds, else good condition. The music critic and impresario Adolphe GIACOMELLI (1825?-1893) was an ardent supporter of Wagner, who entrusted him with the organization of his concerts in France and Belgium in 1860.

Price: $ 4,500 / € 3.750



Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)

Typed letter signed concerning the Bayreuth Festival

German composer, theater director and conductor who is primarily known for his operas especially “The Ring of the Nibelung”. Typed letter signed “Richard Wagner”. 1 page, 8.75 x 10.75 inch, Bayreuth, 1876 April 6, signed by Wagner in dark ink. A fine printed circular letter concerning the Bayreuth Festival, in German, in part (translated): "As a result of the agreement that exists between us, which assures me of your valued participation in the orchestra of the Bayreuth Bühnenfestspiele during this year's rehearsals and performances, I hereby allow myself to send you the detailed rehearsal plan…You will see from this plan that I will occupy your presence for the full three months." Mailing folds, else in fine condition. Since its opening in 1876, the Bayreuth Festival has been a socio-cultural phenomenon. The inauguration took place on 13 August 1876 just a few months after this letter was written Uncommon circular letter with excellent signature.

Price: $ 3,300 / € 2.750



Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)

Autograph letter signed

German composer, theater director and conductor who is primarily known for his operas especially “The Ring of the Nibelung”. Autograph letter signed “RWagner”. 1 page, 5.25 x 8.0 inch, no place, no date, written and signed in dark black ink. Handwritten letter in French regarding a dinner invitation. Translated: “My friend, make us the pleasure of dining with us on Monday. My wife thought I had to accept an invitation from elsewhere.” Tear to the bottom repaired and two small fold breaks repaired on verso, else good condition.

Price: $ 2,900 / € 2.400



Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)

Autograph note signed

German composer, theater director and conductor who is primarily known for his operas especially “The Ring of the Nibelung”. Autograph note signed “RW.” Card, 4.5 x 2.75 inch, no place, no date. Handwritten note requesting copies of the Bayreuth papers. In German, in full: “Liebster Freund! Bitte um ein paar Exemplare der ‚Bayreuther Blätter‘ die, wie ich soeben höre, bei Ihnen angekommen sein sollen. Ihr RW“. Accompanied by a printed form letter from Wagner, dated 1876 April 3. To bandmaster Carl Eckert in Berlin indicating that "there is no demonstrative dress rehearsal of our ‘Tristan’” and sending thanks for expressing "unabashed appreciation for the execution of my difficult score." Card with a small rusty paperclip impression to the top edge, letter has mailing folds, also a rusty paperclip impression and minor handling wear. A fine and affordable priced pair. "Bayreuther Blätter" - a German magazine in the spirit of Richard Wagner.

Price: $ 2,425 / € 2.020



Weber, Carl Maria von (1786-1826)

Handwritten envelope to his wife

German composer, conductor, pianist, guitarist and critic and one of the first significant composers of the Romantic school. Mailing envelope, unsigned, 9.0 x 6.25 inch unfolded, (18)24 July 16 (postmark). Addressed in the hand of Carl Maria von Weber to his wife "Freyfrau Carolina von Weber, Dresden, in Hosterwitz bei Pillnitz.” Vertical on the left side a note in different hand, in German: “Diese Adresse ist von der Hand Carl Maria von Weber’s (an seine Frau) von derselben erhalten. F.W. Zähns“. (This address was written in Carl Maria von Weber’s hand (to his wife) received from the same. F.W. Zähns). With light soiling, handling wear, else fine condition. Accompanied by a fine vintage unsigned postcard photograph of Weber. Caroline Elisabeth Antoinette Brandt, married Caroline von Weber (between 1792/1793 and 1852), was a German stage actor and singer. She married Weber in 1817.

Price: $ 900 / € 750

