Franco, Francisco (1892-1975)
Photograph signed
Dictator of Spain from 1939 to his death in 1975. Vintage signed photograph “F. Franco”. 3.5 x 5.25 inch, n.p. (Madrid). Signed in black ink by Franco and dated “31-10-(1)959” in his hand. Photo by Jalon Angel, Zaragoza (printed on verso). The original transmittal letter “El Secretario de S. E. el Jefe del Estado, dated Madrid, 1959 October 31 is included. Mounting residue on verso, else good condition.
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Franco, Francisco (1892-1975)
Photograph signed
Dictator of Spain from 1939 to his death in 1975. Coming from a military background, he became the youngest general in Europe in the 1920s. Vintage signed photograph “F. Franco”. 3.5 x 5.25 inch, n.p. Signed in black ink by Franco and dated “20-3-(1)959” in his hand. Photo by Jalon Angel, Zaragoza (printed on verso). Mounting residue on verso, else good condition.
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Gaddafi, Muammar (1942-2011)
Photograph signed
Libyan revolutionary, politician and political theorist who ruled Libya from 1969 until his killing in 2011 by rebel forces. Photograph signed, 5.75 x 4.25 inch, n.p. (Tripoli), n.d. (2004). Excellent signed with a green felt-tip pen. Transmittal letter dated July 26, 2004 and regarding the photo is included. Fine with excellent provenance.
Price: $ 660 / € 600
Gagern, Heinrich von (1799-1880) & Gagern, Maximilian von (1810-1899)
Autograph letter signed
Heinrich von Gagern was a statesman who argued for the unification of Germany. Maximilian von Gagern was a German liberal politician. Autograph letter signed “HvGagern”. 2 pages, bifolium, 4.25 x 6.5 inch, place illegible, 1835 March 29. Untranslated letter in German regarding a small request. Autograph letter signed “MvGagern”. 1 page, bifolium, 5.75 x 8.75 inch. Vienna, 1885 September 30. Gagern thanks a gentleman and friend for his effort and care. Mailing folds, minor handling wear, else good condition.
Price: $ 330 / € 300
Gandhi, Mohandas “Mahatma” (1869-1948)
Autograph letter signed “my heart is with you…”
Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule. He inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The honorific “Mahatma” (from Sanskrit “great-souled”), first applied to him in South Africa in 1914, is now used throughout the world. Wonderful autograph letter signed “Bapu”. 1 page, recto and verso, 3.75 x 6.5 inch, Sevagram (Wardha), 1940 April 11. To Miss Lilian Andrews in Paignton. A fine letter regarding the death of his friend Charles Freer Andrews. In full: My dear Lilian, my heart is with you all in the joint sorrows. For Charlie had innumerable brothers & sisters as good as beloved relations. I am sure you are braverly bearing the loss. His last moments were glorious. It was a grand thing that the metropolitan was with him. God be with you”. The original mailing envelope (addressed in another hand) is included. Address has been redirected to London. Mailing fold, paper clip impression, minor stains, else good condition. Charles Freer Andrews (1871 - 5 April 1940) was an Anglican priest and Christian missionary, educator and social reformer, and an activist for Indian independence. He became a close friend of Mahatma Gandhi and identified with the Indian liberation struggle. He was instrumental in convincing Gandhi to return to India from South Africa, where Gandhi had been a leading light in the Indian civil rights struggle. Bapu is a word for "father" in many Indian languages.
Price: $ 10,450 / € 9.500
Gaulle, Charles de (1890-1970)
Rare autograph letter signed
French general and statesman who led the Free French Forces during World War II. He later served as its first president from 1959 to 1969. Rare autograph letter signed “ Gaulle”. 1p., 5.25 x 8.25 inch, on his personal embossed “LE GÉNÉRAL DE GAULLE” letterhead, (Paris), (19)63 September 12. Written in French in dark blue ink. Charles de Gaulle confirms receipt of a check for 19,440.60 f received by its Publisher for the publication "Les Mémoires de Guerre", published September 1, 1963. Slightly discolored, mailing fold, else good condition.
Price: $ 1,150 / € 1.050
Gaulle, Charles de (1890-1970)
Rare autograph letter signed
French general and statesman who led the Free French Forces during World War II. He later founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958 and served as its first president from 1959 to 1969. Rare autograph letter signed “ Gaulle”. 1p., 5.25 x 8.25 inch, on his personal embossed “LE GÉNÉRAL DE GAULLE” letterhead, (Paris), (19)63 December 22. Written in dark blue ink and addressed to “Crédit du Nord in Haubourdin”. Charles de Gaulle confirms receipt of a check. In French, in full: “J’ai bien reçu le chèque de 2.020 f que vous m’avez adressé de la part de M. Léon Coustenoble à Santes. Croyez, Monsieur, à ma considération distinguee.” Translated: “I have received the check for 2,020 f that you sent me from Mr. Léon Coustenoble in Santes.” Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Mailing fold, else excellent condition.
Price: $ 1,150 / € 1.050
Gaulle, Charles de (1890-1970)
Fine content typed letter signed to Paul Valéry’s wife
French general and statesman who led the Free French Forces during World War II. He later founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958 and served as its first president from 1959 to 1969. Fine typed letter signed “ Gaulle”. 1p., 8.25 x 10.5 inch, on his personal embossed “LE GÉNÉRAL DE GAULLE” letterhead as Président de la République. Paris, 1959 January 29. Signed in dark blue ink and addressed to Madam J.P. Valery in Paris (Jeannine Gobillard 1877-1970), wife of the famous French poet Paul Valéry (1871-1945). The letter in French, in full: “Vous avez bien voulu m’exprimer vos sentiments de confiance et de réconfort devant le renouveau francais. En associant à ce témoignage la grande mémoire de Paul Valéry, vous lui avez denné un prix tout special, à mes yeux. Laissez-moi vous en remercier. Veuillez agréer, Madame, mes hommages respectueux.” Translated: “You were kind enough to express your feelings of confidence and comfort to me in the face of the French renewal. By associating the great memory of Paul Valéry with this testimony, you have given him a very special price, in my eyes. Let me thank you for that. Please accept, Madam, my respects.” Mailing folds, else fine condition. Paul Valery married Jeannine Gobillard in 1900. Also included is a printed and unsigned invitation card for Madam Valery at Palais de l’Elysée 1967 December 7.
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich (1884-1945)
Rare typed letter signed re: Johann Sebastian Bach
Resistance fighter, conservative German politician, executive, economist, civil servant and opponent of the Nazi regime. He opposed some of the anti-Jewish policies while he held office and was opposed to the Holocaust. Had the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944 succeeded, Goerdeler would have served as the Chancellor of the new government. After his arrest, he gave names of numerous co-conspirators to the Gestapo, causing the arrests and executions of hundreds or even thousands of others. He was executed by hanging on 2 February 1945. Typed letter signed “Goerdeler”. 2 pages, recto and verso, 8.25 x 11.25 inch, Leipzig 1935 June 15. As major of Leipzig to Prof. D. Dr. Karl Straube in Leipzig. In German, in full: “Die Bachtage sollen nicht beginnen, ohne daß ich Ihnen der Stadt und meine persönlichen besonderen Grüße und Wünsche übermittele. Wir beglückwünschen Sie insbesondere zu der Anerkennung, die Ihre außerordentlichen Verdienste um die Geltung der deutschen Musik im Auslande dadurch gefunden haben, daß Sie zum ordentlichen Senator der Deutschen Akademie ernannt sind. Diese Anerkennung ehrt auch die Stadt, in der Sie als Thomaskantor wirken. Wir wissen es zu würdigen, daß Sie allen Versuchungen getrotzt haben, die darauf abzielten, ihrem meisterhaften Können und Ihrer Persönlichkeit anderwärts eine würdige Wirkungsstätte zu bereiten. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Treue, mit der Sie das Amt des Thomaskantors festgehalten haben. In diesen Tagen wird allzu häufig lebendig jene Unvollkommenheit des menschlichen Lebens, die sich darin offenbart, daß der Wirkende von den Mitlebenden nicht voll verstanden wird. Ihnen ist das hohe Glück zuteil geworden, Verehrung, Hochachtung und Dank einer ganzen Welt noch im tätigem Wirken genießen zu können. Möge unserem jetzigen Thomaskantor dieses Glück noch lange erhalten bleiben. Möge es verschönt werden durch jenes höhere Glück, das in dem Bewußtsein besteht, mit ganzer Kraft einer hohen Aufgabe dienen zu dürfen. Wir grüßen in Ihnen den würdigen Nachfolger des berühmtesten Leipziger Thomaskantors Johann Sebastian Bach und den Meister, der der vollendete Vollstrecker eines großen Vermächtnisses des lange verblichenen Amtsvorgängers geworden ist.“ Also included is an autograph letter signed from Anneliese Goerdeler to Hertha Johanna Straube, who condoles her on the death of her husband (Katharinenplaisir 1950). Mailing folds, else fine condition. Montgomery Rufus Karl Siegfried Straube (1873-1950) was a German church musician, organist, and choral conductor, famous for championing the abundant organ music of Max Reger. Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century. To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich (1884-1945)
Rare typed letter signed by the resistance fighter
Resistance fighter, conservative German politician, executive, economist, civil servant and opponent of the Nazi regime. He opposed some of the anti-Jewish policies while he held office and was opposed to the Holocaust. Had the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944 succeeded, Goerdeler would have served as the Chancellor of the new government. After his arrest, he gave names of numerous co-conspirators to the Gestapo, causing the arrests and executions of hundreds or even thousands of others. He was executed by hanging on 2 February 1945. Rare typed letter signed “Goerdeler”. 1p., 8.25 x 11.75 inch, Berlin, 1935 May 6. Addressed to „Nationalen Klub von Sachsen“ (National club of Saxony) in Dresden. On “Der Reichskommissar für Preisüberwachung” stationery. In German, in full: “Sehr verehrter Herr Oberstleutnant! Für die freundlichen Zeilen vom 29. April danke ich herzlich. Zu meinem besonders lebhaften Bedauern ist es mir nicht möglich, meinen Vortrag niederschreiben zu lassen. Ich habe ihn frei nach kurzen Stichworten gehalten und komme im Drange der Arbeit nicht dazu, ihn jetzt nachträglich zusammenzufassen. Es tut mir herzlich leid, aber ich kann es nicht ändern. Es war schade, daß ich Sie so früh verlassen mußte. Ich danke nochmals für die gastliche Aufnahme …“ Mailing folds, handling wear, else good condition. Rare autograph! Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century. To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.
Price: $ 800 / € 800
Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich (1884-1945)
Rare typed letter signed by the resistance fighter
Resistance fighter, conservative German politician, executive, economist, civil servant and opponent of the Nazi regime. He opposed some of the anti-Jewish policies while he held office and was opposed to the Holocaust. Had the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944 succeeded, Goerdeler would have served as the Chancellor of the new government. After his arrest, he gave names of numerous co-conspirators to the Gestapo, causing the arrests and executions of hundreds or even thousands of others. He was executed by hanging on 2 February 1945. Rare typed letter signed “Goerdeler”. 1p., (bifolium), 6.25 x 8.0 inch, Leipzig, 1931 March 11. As mayor of Leipzig, Goerdeler writes to a doctor and his wife and declines an invitation. In German, in full: “Für die überaus liebenswürdige Einladung zum 18. März danken meine Frau und ich herzlich. Soweit ich es bis jetzt übersehen kann, wird es uns zu unserem großen Bedauern nicht möglich sein, Ihr Folge zu leisten, da Mittwoch abend Etatberatungen in den zuständigen Ausschüssen stattfinden, und ich an ihnen teilnehmen muß. Wir müssen also bitten, uns gütigst zu entschuldigen.“ Mailing fold, else fine condition. Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century. To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich (1884-1945)
Rare typed letter signed by the resistance fighter
Resistance fighter, conservative German politician, executive, economist, civil servant and opponent of the Nazi regime. He opposed some of the anti-Jewish policies while he held office and was opposed to the Holocaust. Had the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944 succeeded, Goerdeler would have served as the Chancellor of the new government. After his arrest, he gave names of numerous co-conspirators to the Gestapo, causing the arrests and executions of hundreds or even thousands of others. He was executed by hanging on 2 February 1945. Rare typed letter signed “Goerdeler”. 1p., (bifolium), 8.75 x 11.25 inch, Leipzig, 1930 June 2. Addressed to Bertha Hoffmann in Leipzig. In German, in full: “Für Ihre freundlichen Glückwünsche und das mir übersandte schöne Gedicht danke ich Ihnen herzlich.” Translated: “Thank you very much for your kind congratulations and the beautiful poem you sent me.” Mailing folds, signature blurred, else good condition. Rare autograph! Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century. To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.
Price: $ 990 / € 900
Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich (1884-1945)
Rare typed letter signed by the resistance fighter
Resistance fighter, conservative German politician, executive, economist, civil servant and opponent of the Nazi regime. He opposed some of the anti-Jewish policies while he held office and was opposed to the Holocaust. Had the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944 succeeded, Goerdeler would have served as the Chancellor of the new government. After his arrest, he gave names of numerous co-conspirators to the Gestapo, causing the arrests and executions of hundreds or even thousands of others. He was executed by hanging on 2 February 1945. Rare typed letter signed “Goerdeler”. 1p., 8.25 x 5.75 inch, Leipzig, 1934 June 22. As mayor of Leipzig, Goerdeler writes to Dr. Alfred Martin in Leipzig. A short thank you note for a “speech chorus”. In German, in full: “Für die freundliche Übersendung Ihres Sprechchores „O Du mein Deutschland“ danke ich Ihnen herzlich. Ich habe ihn mit großer Freude gelesen.“ Mailing folds, else good condition. Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century. To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich (1884-1945)
Rare typed letter signed by the resistance fighter
Resistance fighter, conservative German politician, executive, economist, civil servant and opponent of the Nazi regime. He opposed some of the anti-Jewish policies while he held office and was opposed to the Holocaust. Had the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944 succeeded, Goerdeler would have served as the Chancellor of the new government. After his arrest, he gave names of numerous co-conspirators to the Gestapo, causing the arrests and executions of hundreds or even thousands of others. He was executed by hanging on 2 February 1945. Rare typed letter signed “Goerdeler”. 1p., 8.25 x 5.75 inch, Leipzig, 1931 November 21. As mayor of Leipzig, Goerdeler writes to Dr. Adolf Aber in Leipzig and “sends the desired lines”. In German, in full: “Abredegemäß übersende ich Ihnen die gewünschten Zeilen.” Mailing fold, else fine condition. Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century. To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Guevara, Ernesto "Che" (1928-1967)
Typed letter signed Investigating Political Murders
Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, military theorist and a major figure of the Cuban Revolution. Captured during a 1967 campaign in Bolivia, he was executed on the following day and instantly attained status as a martyr and one of the most revered and influential political revolutionaries of the 20th century. Rare typed letter signed “Che”. 1p., 8.5 x 11.0 inch, La cabana, 1959 January 4. On Republic of Cuba Minister of National Defense letterhead. The letter concerns an investigation into several political murders. Stamped No. 1202. Addressed to Dr. Teobaldo Castillo Cuervo and Lieutenant Chinea. In Spanish, in full: “A los militares Dr. Teobaldo Castillo Cuervo y teniente Chinea. Se les informa por este medio que el Dr. Miguel Angel Duque de Estarada Ramos, auditor de la columna 8 está prestando servicios especiales en la investigacion de asesinatos cometidos por antiguos miembros de las fuerzas armadas y está realizando la investigacion sobre el caso Caridad Fernandez.” Translated: "I would like to inform you by this letter that Dr. Miguel Duque de Estarada Ramos, Auditor of Column 8, is providing special services in the investigation of murders committed by senior members of the armed forces and he is in charge of the investigation about the case Caridad Fernandez”. Flattened folds and creasing to corners, light toning and soiling at the edges, else good condition and boldly signed. The Fort of Saint Charles, colloquially known as La Cabana, was a fortress in Havana used by Fidel Castro and Guevara as a prison. Castro named Guevara commander of the La Cabaña prison for a five-month tenure (January 2 till June 12, 1959) and Guevara was charged with purging the Batista army and exacting "revolutionary justice" against those regarded as traitors, informants and war criminals.
Price: $ 3,025 / € 2.750
Henlein, Konrad (1898-1945)
Typed letter signed to Adolf Hitler
Sudeten German politician in Czechoslovakia before World War II. After Germany invaded Czechoslovakia he became the Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter of Reichsgau Sudetenland under the occupation of Nazi Germany. One of a kind typed letter signed “Konrad Henlein”. 1p., bifolium, 7.0 x 8.75 inch, Reichenberg, 1943 January 5. To “Mein Führer” (Adolf Hitler). Additional in Henlein’s hand “Heil mein Führer! Ihr getreuer“. Henlein thanks Hitler for a Christmas gift. In German, in full: „Für die liebe Weihnachtsgabe, die Sie, mein Führer, mir für meine Familie zukommen liessen, habe ich mich überaus gefreut. Ich danke Ihnen dafür, auch im Namen meiner Frau herzlichst“. Translated: „I was extremely happy for the lovely Christmas gift that you, my leader, gave me for my family. I would like to thank you for this, also on behalf of my wife”. Punch holes, mailing fold, else fine condition. Henlein had a close relationship with Hitler, so it can be assumed that this letter was presented to Hitler. Heydrich, the head of the Reich Security Main Office, is said to have found Henlein unreliable. A replacement failed due to Henlein's close relationship with Hitler. Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century.To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.
Price: $ 1,100 / € 1.000
Heuss, Theodor (1884-1963)
Letter archive (two autograph and five typed letter signed)
Liberal German politician who served as the first President of the Federal Republic of Germany (then West Germany) from 1949 to 1959. Excellent letter archive, two autograph letter signed and five typed letter signed. All on “Theodor Heuss” stationery, 8.25 x 11.75 inch, fine laid paper. Addressed to Mrs. Marga Stempel in Oberems/ Taunus and to Mr. Hans G. Stempel in Frankfurt. Dated (1) 1949 December 28, (2) 1951 December 27, (3) 1953 March 30, (4) 1954 March 8, (5) 1958 December 25, (6) 1959 February 18, (7) 1959 February 19. Mailing folds, handling wear, else fine condition.
Price: $ 1,100 / € 1.000
Heuss, Theodor (1884-1963)
Uncommon autograph letter signed
Liberal German politician who served as the first President of the Federal Republic of Germany (then West Germany) from 1949 to 1959. Autograph letter signed “Theodor Heuss”. 1p., 6.0 x 8.25 inch, Berlin-Lichtenfelde, 1933 July 16. To “Liebe Frau Möricke”. Untranslated letter in German. Minor handling wear, else fine.
Price: $ 495 / € 450
Hindenburg, Paul von (1847-1934)
Uncommon autograph letter signed “Your old grandfather”
Prussian-German field marshal, statesman, and politician, he served as the second President of Germany from 1925 to 1934. Autograph letter signed “Hindenburg”. 1p., 8.75 x 11.25 inch, Berlin, (19)28 July 3. Addressed to his granddaughter “Frau von Brockhusen in Gross Jüstin/ Bezirk Stettin”. In German, in full: “ “Liebe Klara! Vielen Dank für das wohlgelungene Bild, mit dem du mir eine rechte Freude gemacht hast. Das liebe Kind sieht nett und gesund aus. Gott lasse es so weitergedeihen! Hier geht es gut. … ist frisch und munter, und der kleine hat sich wohl eingebürgert. Seine Schwestern sind sehr stolz auf ihn. Sehr recht, daß du die Musik weiter cultiviren willst. Ich bedauere, daß ich es nicht gethan habe. Auch in Neudeck steht das Getreide bis jetzt gut. Hoffentlich haben wir alle eine gute Ernte. Herzliche Grüße von Haus zu Haus. In Liebe dein alter Großvater“. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope addressed in Hindenburg’s hand. Also included is a fine postcard photograph of Hindenburg with a PRINTED aphorism and signature. Mailing folds, else fine condition.
Price: $ 660 / € 600
Hindenburg, Paul von (1847-1934)
Autograph letter signed
Prussian-German field marshal, statesman, and politician, he served as the second President of Germany from 1925 to 1934. Autograph letter signed “v. Hindenburg”. 1p., 5.5 x 8.5 inch, Magdeburg 1903 September 15. To General Alexander von Linsingen (1850-1935). In German, in full: "Verehrter Herr v. Linsingen! Auf Ihr Schreiben vom 21.8.03 erwidere ich Ihnen nach Rücksprache mit dem Herrn Corps-Intendanten ergebenst, daß Ihre Wünsche unter Voraussetzung einer entsprechenden Conduite nach Möglichkeit berücksichtigt werden sollen.". Mailing fold, some stains from the not dried ink, else fine condition.
Price: $ 660 / € 600
Isabella I., Queen (1451-1504)
Letter signed “payment order dated 1499”
Queen of Castile from 1474 and, as the wife of King Ferdinand II., Queen of Aragon from 1479 until her death. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for supporting and financing Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage that led to the discovery of the New World. Letter signed “yo la Reyna” (I the Queen). 2 pages, recto and verso, 8.75 x 12.25 inch, Granada, 1499 November 10. Tacking cord on the left edge. Order to her accountants, instructing them to credit Sancho de Paredes, Her Majesty’s Chamberlain, with the sums of money mentioned in the list which follows. The items mentioned are for household use, notably mattresses, with cloth and thread for making the same and sums paid to seamstresses. There are also some payments for chests. At the foot of page two is a short summary of the document with several abbreviations. Countersigned by her secretary Gaspar de Trizio. Expected folds and wrinkles, else remarkably bright and well-preserved for having been signed over 500 years ago!
Price: $ 6,300 / € 5.750
John Paul II., Pope (1920-2005)
Typed letter signed
Born Karol Józef Wojtyła. Pope from 1978 to 2005. He is widely known to Catholics as Saint John Paul the Great. Typed letter signed “+ Karol card. Wojtyla”. 1p., 8.0 x 11.5 inch. Krakow, 1977 January 30. On “Metropolita Krakowski” letterhead. Addressed to an unknown Bishop. In Polish, in full: “Ekscelencjo, Najczcigodniejszy Ksieze Biskupie, Serdecznie zapraszam na doroczna uroczystosc sw. Stanislawa B. i M. Patrona Polski. Tradycyjna procesja z Wawelu na Skalke wypada w tym roku w niedziele 8 maja. Szczegolowy program zostanie jeszcze dostarczony w pozniejszym terminie.” Translated: “Your Excellency, Most Reverend Bishop, I cordially invite you to the annual celebration of St. Stanislaw Patron of Poland. The traditional procession from … falls this year on Sunday, May 8. A detailed program will be delivered at a later date.” Handwritten note “negative” in a different hand at the upper right edge, mailing folds, else fine condition.
Price: $ 1,100 / € 1.000
John XXIII., Pope (1881-1963)
Official Vatican presentation photograph signed
Born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli. Bishop of Rome and hence head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 28 October 1958 to his death in 1963. Official Vatican color glossy presentation photo signed “Joannes XXIII PP 9-I-1963”. 4.0 x 5.75 inch photo of Pope John XXIII. in his papal robe, affixed to its official 8.75 x 11.75 inch mount, embossed with his official seal, signed on the mount in black ink. Verso has the official “Pontificia Foto Felici Roma 5.1.63” stamp. Slightly trimmed, minor mounting residue on verso, else good condition. Excellent signed photo and rare as Pope.
Price: $ 2,090 / € 1.900