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Tolkien, J. R. R. (1892-1973)

Hand addressed envelope

Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel, English writer, poet, philologist, and academic, who is best known as the author of the classic high fantasy works “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. Hand addressed envelope, 5.25 x 4.25 inch, Oxford 1920 March 18 (postmark). George V. stamp upper right corner. Addressed in Tolkien’s hand to “Miss Duncan / Somerville College / Oxford / Kindly forward“. The address has been partially crossed out and corrected in another hand. Two circles in ink drawn on the back, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 2,100 / € 1.750



Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)

Typed letter signed re: presentation of his work

American architect, designer, writer, and educator. He designed more than 1,000 structures over a creative period of 70 years. Wright played a key role in the architectural movements of the twentieth century, influencing architects worldwide through his works and mentoring hundreds of apprentices in his Taliesin Fellowship. Typed letter signed “Frank Lloyd Wright”. 1p, 11.0 x 8.5 inch, n.p., 1952 June 22. On his “Taliesin” stationery and signed in blue ink. Addressed to Mr. Edgar Ende in Munich. In full: “Dear Herr Ende: I too regret not being present at what they all tell me was a remarkably fine presentation of my work. Stonorov was an able representative and we did not want to tax you with more. My best to you, to Munich, and to your Germany”. Mailing folds, punch holes, slightly discolored, else good condition.

Price: $ 1,920 / € 1.600



Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)

Broadsheet of his poem signed

German writer, scientist, and philosopher who takes a place among the central intellectual and artistic figures of his day. "Man's days are intertwined" - a poem by Goethe. Broadsheet of his poem “Am Acht und zwanzigsten August 1826 (On the eight and twentieth of August, 1826)”. Exellent signed in black ink “Goethe” and additional the place in his hand “Weimar”. One page, Jena: Fromann 1826 bzw. „Weimar“. 5.75 x 8.5 inch, watermark “J Whatman”. There are two variants of this broadsheet known, one with a floral border as this one, the other has an arrow motif border, Hagen 456. Goethe used these sheets to thank his closest friends for their birthday wishes. Here on the occasion of his 77th birthday. The printed poem begins: "Des Menschen Tage sind verflochten (Man's days are intertwined). Minor mounting residue on two corners on verso, else fine condition. Goedeke IV/3, 518 (272). Hagen 456. Kippenberg I, 103. Wilpert/Gühring 141 bzw. 134. 

Price: $ 9,000 / € 7.500



May, Karl (1842-1912)

Signed photograph

A popular German writer, noted mainly for adventure novels set in the American Old West. Best known for the characters of Winnetou and Old Shatterhand. Signed photograph “Karl May”. Postcard, 5.5 x 3.5 inch, Radebeul, 1905 March 6. (postmark on verso), dark black ink. Additional handwritten note by Karl May at the bottom, in German: “Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Glückwunschdepesche zum 25 Februar”. (May was born February 25, 1842). And at the top in Klara May’s hand: “Karl May am Zuge in Port Said (auf einer Sudanreise)”. Postcard is also addressed in Klara May’s hand on verso to “Herrn Ihringer in Karlsruhe Bad.” Handling wear, else good condition. Enclosed is a fine card of Klara May (1864-1944), second wife of Karl May and his estate administrator. Printed thank you card for congratulations on her 70th birthday, signed “Klara May”. Radebeul, July 1934. Handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Dvořák, Antonín (1841-1904)

Charming autograph letter signed

Czech composer and one of the first to achieve worldwide recognition, most famous for his Symphony No. 9 - From the New World. Charming autograph letter signed in English, signed “A. Dvorak”. 1p., 4.5 x 6.75 inch, Vysoká, July 26, 1885. Handwritten letter to Henry Littleton of the music publisher Novello and Co. In full: "I have the pleasure to announce you my arrival (final on the 17th Aug: in the morning) (6.10 o'clock) & I hope to meet you at the station (Charing's Cross or Victoria); if you cannot be able to get up so early in the morning, I will find the way at Berners Street alone. Please, would you sent me a word? With many regards Yours sincerely". In fine condition, with faint staining along the left edge from an old mounting strip on the reverse. Dvorak took part in the Birmingham Triennial Music Festival in August 1885; the cantata “The Spectre's Bride” (Op. 69) was composed for the occasion and published by Novello. Henry Littleton  was made a partner in Novello’s  in 1861 and bought the business soon after. The village of Vysoká u Příbramě is located approximately 50 km south-west of Prague. It is a place which played a highly significant role in Dvořák’s private and professional life and can without exaggeration be described as his second home.

Price: $ 3,500 / € 2.900



Shackleton, Ernest (1874-1922)

Photograph signed

Irish Antarctic explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic. He was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Signed photograph “E.H. Shackleton”. Postcard, 3.25 x 5.5 inch, n.p., n.d. Signed on verso in black ink. Signature on the front below Shackleton’s image is PRINTED. Postcard by Högelein & Schwabe, Berlin. Minor handling wear, signature slightly smudged, else good condition. Shackleton is rare and highly desirable in this photo format.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Dior, Christian (1905-1957)

Signature matted with photograph

French fashion designer and founder of one of the world's top fashion houses, Christian Dior SE. Vintage album page signed “tian dior”. 6.5 x 4.5 inch., n.p., n.d. Signed in blue ballpoint pen. Handsomely matted in gray with a paper photograph of Dior to an overall of 7.75 x 11.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners. Fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Pius X., Pope (1834-1914)

Signed photograph with autograph apostolic blessing

Born Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto served as pope from 1903 until his death in 1914. Known for his conservative, anti-modernist philosophies, he became, in 1954, the first pope to be elevated to sainthood since Pius V. in 1712. Attractive and uncommon signed photograph of the canonized Holy Father. Three-inch diameter circular photo by papal photographer G. Felici of Rome (stamp on verso), affixed to its original 6.25 x 10.25 inch mount. Inscribed by the Pope on the mount to Joanni Baptista Frauendorfer with an apostolic blessing in black ink and signed “Pius PP. X.” and dated “26 November 1912”. Probably slightly trimmed, else fine condition. Enclosed is a carbon copy of a letter with information about the provenance. According to this letter the photograph is probably from the estate of Heinrich von Frauendorfer (1855-1921), knight from 1901 and Bavaria's first transport minister from 1904 until his retirement in 1912.

Price: $ 1,200 / € 1.000



George II., King (1683-1760)

Document signed

King of Great Britain and Ireland 1727-1760. Born and brought up in northern Germany, George is the most recent British monarch born outside Great Britain. For two centuries after George II's death, historians tended to view him with disdain, concentrating on his mistresses, short temper, and boorishness. Document signed “George R”. 1p., bifolium, 8.75 x 12.75 inch, (London) St. James, 1760 March 30. With a fine paper seal and in German. Appointment for Hieronymus Gotthardt Kirchhoff as “Lieutenat und Regiments Quartier Meister beim Veltheimischen Regiment zu Pferde“. Countersigned by Gerlach Adolph von Münchhausen (1688-1770). Mailing folds, discolored, handling wear, else good condition. George II. died October 25, 1760 at Kensington Palace.

Price: $ 720 / € 600



George III., King (1738-1820)

Signed document by the last “King of the United States/ 1768”

King of Great Britain and Ireland who reigned from 1760 until his death. Document signed “George R”. 1p., bifolium, 8.5 x 12.75 inch, signed in dark ink. Court at Saint James, 1768 September 2. With a fine paper seal and in German. Appointment for Hieronymus Gotthard Kirchhoff as “Capitaine Lieutenant”. Expected folds, handling wear and slightly discolored. Rare and only the second George III. document I have for sale dated before the American Declaration of Independence.

Price: $ 780 / € 650



George III., King (1738-1820)

Signed document by the last “King of the United States/ 1777”

King of Great Britain and Ireland who reigned from 1760 until his death. Document signed “George R”. 1p., bifolium, 8.5 x 12.75 inch, signed in dark ink. (London), Court at Saint James, 1777 January 25. With a fine paper seal and in German. Appointment for Hieronimus Gotthart Kirchhoff as “Ritt Meister beym Leib Garde Regiment”. Countersigned by Johann Friedrich Karl von Alvensleben (1714-1795). Expected folds, handling wear and slightly discolored, else fine condition. Impressive signature!

Price: $ 780 / € 650



Grace of Monaco (1929-1982)

Signed photograph

Grace Kelly was an American film actress and Princess of Monaco as the wife of Prince Rainier III. Signed glossy postcard photograph ”Grace de Monaco”. Photograph, 4.0 x 6.0 inch, n.p., n.d. Signed in blue ink. Fine condition.

Price: $ 600 / € 500



Kahlo, Frida (1907-1954)

Hand addressed and signed envelope

Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico. Exceedingly rare hand addressed and signed envelope “Frida Kahlo”. Envelope, 7.75 x 4.25 inch, Mexico, 1947 August 2. Addressed to Arturo Sidon “Sr Arturo Sidon Presente De parte de Frida Kahlo”. With her printed name “Frida Kahlo” on the flap of the envelope. A CARBON COPY of the letter sent in this envelope is included. Handsomely matted in gray with a fine photograph of Frida Kahlo to an overall of 10.25 x 13.0 inch. Autograph is removable affixed with photo corners. Excellent condition. The year 1947 was the year in which she created one of her most famous paintings “Self Portrait with Loose Hair”.  A fine envelope and signature.

Price: $ 4,200 / € 3.500



Sirikit (1932)

Rare signed photograph

Member of the Thai royal family who was Queen of Thailand from 28 April 1950 to 13 October 2016 as the wife of King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX.). Vintage signed photograph “Sirikit 4/7/1961”. Black and white photograph, 5.0 x 7.0 inch, n.p., 1961 July 4. A fine and early photograph with excellent signature in blue ink. Mounted on thin red cardboard of the same size, minor mounting residue on verso, else good condition.

Price: $ 1,200 / € 1.000



Chamberlain, Austen (1863-1937)

Excellent signed photograph

British statesman. He negotiated the Locarno Treaties (1925), aimed at preventing war between France and Germany, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Excellent vintage signed photograph “Austen Chamberlain”. Postcard, 3.5 x 5.5 inch, n.p., n.d., photo Bassano. Signed in dark black ink and in excellent condition. Chamberlain is uncommon in signed photographs.

Price: $ 720 / € 600



Danton, Georges (1759-1794)

Fantastic document signed (15 days after the attack on the Tuileries)

 French statesman and one of the leading figures of the French Revolution. He and his followers were charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government and who was guillotined in 1794. Rare document signed “Danton”. 1p., 9.0 x 14.25 inch, Paris, 1792 August 25. A certified copy of a decree by the National Assembly that lays out some rules for troop uniforms. In Frech, “Paris, le vingt cinquième jour du mois d’Aout 1792, l’an quatrième de la Liberté” (Paris, the twenty-fifth day of August 1792, the fourth year of Liberty). Mailing fold, slightly discolored, handling wear, writing and signature dark and unaffected. Danton helped set the stage for the attack on the Tuileries and the overthrow of the monarchy, which took place just 15 days before this decree, on August 10, 1792. In the new republic, he became minister of justice and virtual head of the Provisional Executive Council. A fantastic document in the context of the French Revolution.

Price: $ 4,250 / € 3.540



Kennedy, John F. (1917-1963)

Signed photograph matted with campaign sticker

35. President of the United States. Vintage glossy signed photograph. Black/ white, 8.0 x 10.0 inch, n.p., n.d. (1956). A fine photo of John F. Kennedy as a U.S. senator for Massachusetts, boldly signed and inscribed in fountain pen: "To Kenneth Browne with every good wish - John Kennedy”. Reverse bears a typed collector's notation indicating that it was received in 1956. In good to very good condition, with scattered light creasing, staple holes and paperclip impressions to the upper left edge. And a heavy water damage to Kennedy's collar and lapels (matted out). A wonderful custom made and creative matting has minimized its adverse appearance and now it is a beautiful display item. The signature and inscription is in perfect condition and completely unaffected. Matted in beige/ red with an original campaign sticker to an overall size of 14.5 x 20.0 inch and ready for framing. Comes together with my book “John F. Kennedy - autograph study” - about 90 pages with hundreds of signatures (authentic, secretary, Autopen, stamps, facsimile etc.).

Price: $ 3,850 / € 3.200



Kahlo, Frida (1907-1954)

Exceedingly rare autograph letter signed

Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico. Exceedingly rare autograph letter signed “Frida Kahlo”. 1p., 8.5 x 11.0 inch, Mexico, 1947 August 2. Addressed to Arturo Sidon. In Spanish, in full: “A quien corresponda: Los dibujos que llevan en su poder los S(eño)res Arthur Sidon son originales míos, y son un obsequio que yo les hago, así que están excentos de derechos. (Son cinco, a la tinta)”. Translated: “To whom it may concern: The drawings that Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sidon have in their possession are originals of mine, and they are a gift that I give them, so they are exempt from rights. (There are five, in ink).” Mailing folds, else fine condition. This letter was probably intended to make border crossing between Mexico and the United States easier. A CARBON COPY of Frida Kahlo’s hand addressed envelope to Arturo Sidon “Sr Arturo Sidon Presente De parte de Frida Kahlo” and with her printed name “Frida Kahlo” on the flap of the envelope is included. The year 1947 was also the year in which she created one of her most famous paintings “Self Portrait with Loose Hair”. A remarkable letter of great rarity and very unusual with her full signature.

Price: $ 10,800 / € 9.000



Kneipp, Sebastian (1821-1897)

Uncommon document signed

German Catholic priest and one of the forefathers of the naturopathic medicine movement. Uncommon document signed “Seb: KneippPf(arrer)”. Document, 3.75 x 2.5 inch, n.p., 1883.  Document “Sparkasse für Zeit und Ewigkeit”. Created by Rosina Mayer. In full: “Diese Nullen sind an sich wertlos, kommt aber nur die einfachste Ziffer hinzu, dann gibt e seine große Summe. Unsere Handlungen sind Nullen, kommt aber nur das Einserls hinzu, so gibt es eine große Summe. Dieses Einserl ist die gute Meinung.“ Handsomely and removable matted in gray with a photograph of Kneipp to an overall of 7.75 x 11.75 inch. Handling and corner wear, else good condition. Accompanied by a small UNSIGNED piece of paper with information about a „water-therapy“ written by Kneipp in pencil.

Price: $ 900 / € 750



Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Autograph letter signed in fine condition 

Italian composer of operas. Autograph letter signed “G. Verdi”. 1p., bifolium, 4.5 x 7.0 inch, Montecantini, 1891 July 7. Uncommon letter in French, in full: “Monsieur Sauchon, J’ai reçu le Bulletin de compte relevé pour la 168 répartition avril 1891. J’ai reçu aussi le chèque de L. 555:97 pour N. de Sandoz et C., que j’exigerai quand j’irai à Gênes vers la fin de ce mois. Agréez, Mr Sauchon, l’expression de ma considération distinguée”. Translated: “Mr. Sauchon, I received the Account Statement for the 168 distribution April 1891. I also received the check for L. 555:97 for N. de Sandoz and C., which I will demand when I go to Genoa towards the end of this month. Accept, Mr Sauchon, the expression of my distinguished consideration.” Mailing fold, blue pencil note at the top, else fine condition. Verdi visited Montecantini (Italian comune of c. 20,000 inhabitants in the province of Pistoia, in the Italian region of Tuscany) for over 20 years.

Price: $ 2,160/ € 1.800



Henlein, Konrad (1898-1945)

Typed letter signed to Adolf Hitler

Sudeten German politician in Czechoslovakia before World War II. After Germany invaded Czechoslovakia he became the Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter of Reichsgau Sudetenland under the occupation of Nazi Germany. One of a kind typed letter signed “Konrad Henlein”. 1p., bifolium, 7.0 x 8.75 inch, Reichenberg, 1943 January 5. To “Mein Führer” (Adolf Hitler). Additional in Henlein’s hand “Heil mein Führer! Ihr getreuer“. Henlein thanks Hitler for a Christmas gift. In German, in full: „Für die liebe Weihnachtsgabe, die Sie, mein Führer, mir für meine Familie zukommen liessen, habe ich mich überaus gefreut. Ich danke Ihnen dafür, auch im Namen meiner Frau herzlichst“. Translated: „I was extremely happy for the lovely Christmas gift that you, my leader, gave me for my family. I would like to thank you for this, also on behalf of my wife”. Punch holes, mailing fold, else fine condition. Henlein had a close relationship with Hitler, so it can be assumed that this letter was presented to Hitler. Heydrich, the head of the Reich Security Main Office, is said to have found Henlein unreliable. A replacement failed due to Henlein's close relationship with Hitler. Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century.To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Munch, Edvard (1863-1944)

Rare autograph letter signed

Norwegian painter. His best known work, The Scream, has become one of the most iconic images of world art. Autograph letter signed “Edv. Munch”. 2 pages, bifolium, second page written inside, Klampenborg (Denmark), 1905 August 13. On “Taarbaek Badehotel” stationery. A fine handwritten letter, German spelling with some weaknesses. To a gentleman regarding reproductions of his works. In German, in full: “Ich. Gelegenheit das projectierte Werk aber auch musz ich Ihnen darauf aufmerksam machen dasz Ich nicht alle meine grafische Arbeiten producieren können. Ebenso musz ich bestimmt wissen welches Sie zu reproducieren beabzichtigen und die Grosze und Format. / Ich musz nämlich selbst einige zu an bestimmte Zurück brauchen. Hauptsächlich kommt es von der Grösze an - Gemalden zu schenken ist ein Bischen schwierig aber wenn es nothig ist werde ich versuchen - alzo bitte ich in dieser Gelegenheit um baldige und bestimmte Antwort.“ Mailing fold, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 5,400 / € 4.500



Elizabeth II., Queen (1926-2022) & Philip, Prince (1921-2021)

Charming signed photograph

Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms from 6 February 1952 until her death in 2022. She was queen regnant of 32 sovereign statesover the course of her lifetime and remained the monarch of 15 realms by the time of her death. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh was the husband of Queen Elizabeth II. Charming attractive matte-finish official royal family portrait. Signed photograph, 6.0 x 8.0 inch depicting Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip posing outdoors with their two young children Charles and Anne. Affixed to the original 7.5 x 10.0 inch mount, n.p., 1954. Signed below in fountain pen “Philip 1954” in Philip’s hand and “Elizabeth R” in Elizabeth’s hand. Fine condition.

Price: $ 2,850 / € 2.400



Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (1900-1944)

One of a kind document signed (his tax declaration)

French writer, poet, aristocrat, journalist and pioneering aviator. He became a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and also won the United States National Book Award. He is best remembered for his novella “The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince)”. Partly printed document signed “Antoine de Saint-Exupéry”. Declaration form signed by Saint-Exupéry for the general tax of 1938 on the income of 1937. 4 pages, bifolium, no place, 1938 July 13. Handwritten filled in his name, date and place of birth, address (15 place Vauban), the maiden name of his wife Consuelo Suncin, his professions "Pilot-aviateur-écrivain" with the name of the employer (Air France), the amounts received as "liner pilot" (70,502.90 francs), and from Paris-Soir, the Société des Auteurs, Téléfrance (73,705 francs), the deduction of professional expenses (60,880 francs) etc. Slightly discolored, parts of the middle fold broken, otherwise good condition. Very uncommon and a one of a kind document signed.

Price: $ 3,100 / € 2.600



Perón, Juan (1895-1974)

Typed letter signed

Argentine military officer and politician. After serving in several government positions, including those of Minister of Labour and Vice President of the Republic, he was three times elected as President of Argentina, serving from June 1946 to September 1955 and from October 1973 to July 1974. Typed letter signed “Juan Perón”. 1p., 8.25 x 11.75 inch, Madrid, 1962 May 26. On his embossed Juan Perón stationery, thin paper, from his exile in Spain. Addressed to a collector in Germany. In Spanish, in full: “De mi consideración: En respuesta a su amable carta, que valoro y agradezco, me es grato enviarle, de acuerdo a su deseo, una fotografía autografiada. Saludo a usted muy cordialmente.” Translated: “In response to your kind letter, which I value and appreciate, I am pleased to send you, according to your wish, an autographed photograph”. Mailing fold, minor stains, punch holes, else good condition. Also included is a typed letter signed by Maria Estela Martinez de Peròn (1931). 1p., 8.25 x 11.25 inch, Madrid, 2016 November 28. A letter to a collector regarding a signed photograph (not included). Maria Estela “Isabel” Martinez de Perón was the third wife of Juan Peron. She is an Argentine former politician who served as the 46th President of Argentina from 1974 to 1976. Letter has mailing folds, else fine condition. 

Price: $ 450 / € 375



Chiang Kai-Shek (1887-1975)

Signed photograph

Chinese political and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China between 1928 and 1975. Desirable matte-finish head-and-shoulders signed photo. Black and white, 3.5 x 5.0 inch, n.p., n.d., signed in dark black ink in Chinese. Probably slightly trimmed, minor mounting residue on verso, else good.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Wonderful cabinet-card-photograph signed 

Italian composer of operas. Verdi came to dominate the Italian opera scene after the era of Gioachino Rossini, Vincenzo Bellini and Gaetano Donizetti, whose works influenced him and his operas remain extremely popular. Wonderful cabinet-card-photograph signed and inscribed “A Anton Giulio Barrili con simpatia e l'altra stima St Agata 19 Maggio 1892” (“To Anton Giulio Barrili with sympathy and esteem St Agata 19 May 1892”). St Agata (Villa Verdi), 1892 May 19. A fine gold edge photograph marked “SEBASTIANUTTI & BENQUE, MILANO” on the front and on verso. Minor paper loss at the top, else fine condition. Surely one of the finest Verdi signed photographs you can hope to find. Villa Verdi is the estate house that composer Giuseppe Verdi ordered built in 1848 and where he lived from that year until the end of his life. It is in the village of Sant'Agata 3.5 km north of the town of Busseto, which itself lies 4.5 km west-north-west of the tiny village of Le Roncole.

Price: $ 4,650 / € 3.900



Fleming, Alexander (1881-1955)

Signature matted with photograph

Scottish physician, microbiologist and pharmacologist. His best-known discoveries are the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the world's first antibiotic substance benzylpenicillin (Penicillin G) from the mould Penicillium notatum in 1928, for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain. Perfect signature “Alexander Fleming 1954”. Signed and dated in Fleming’s hand. Card, 4.0 x 3.25 inch (visible), n.p. 1954. Excellent signed in dark blue ink. Handsomely matted in gray with a glossy photograph of Fleming to an overall of 11.75 x 7.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners. Fine condition. Excellent display item.

Price: $ 1,140 / € 950



Rommel, Erwin (1891-1944)

Document signed

German general and military theorist - known as the Desert Fox. Partly printed document signed “Rommel”. 1p., 8.25 x 11.5 inch, Goslar, 1935 February 1. Signed by Rommel in pencil as “Truppenkommandeur”. Provisional acceptance certificate for service in the “Reichsheer” for the volunteer Walter Lampe. Walter Lampe’s work book and ID card from the Reich Chamber of Culture is included. Mailing folds, minor handling wear, else fine condition. Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century. To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history. Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.

Price: $ 1,500 / € 1.250



Talleyrand, Charles Maurice (1754-1838)

Document signed in the name of Napoleon I.

French diplomat. He worked successfully from the regime of Louis XVI., through the French Revolution and then under Napoleon I., Louis XVIII., Charles X., and Louis-Philippe. Known since the turn of the 19th century simply by the name Talleyrand, he remains a figure that polarizes opinion. Some regard him as one of the most versatile, skilled and influential diplomats in European history, and some believe that he was a traitor, betraying in turn, the Ancien Régime, the French Revolution, Napoleon, and the Restoration. Partly printed document signed “Charles Maurice”. Document signed “Décret Impérial”. 1p., 11.25 x 17.25 inch, 1808 July 27, blind embossed seal at the bottom. Excerpt from the minutes of the State Secretariat. Imperial Decree concerning the convocation of a town meeting in Charente Maritime on 01.10.1808. Signed by Talleyrand in dark black ink and countersigned by the secretary of the interior Emmanuel Crétet (1747-1809). Folds, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 750 / € 625



Edward VIII., King (1894-1972)

Signed photograph (famous Hugh Cecil photo)

King of the United Kingdom . Vintage signed photograph “Edward P 1925-“. 7.5 x 9.5 inch, n.p., 1925. Original photograph on photo cardboard by famous royal photographer Hugh Cecil with the original red label “Portrait by Hugh Cecil Number 7825.A” on verso. Handling wear, slightly wavy, surface scraped off on two places, minor silvering, else good condition with excellent dark signature.

Price: $ 900 / € 750



Eiffel, Gustave (1832-1923)

Bookpage signed and matted

A French civil engineer and architect. He is best known for the world-famous Eiffel Tower. Bookpage signed “Hommage de G. Eiffel”. 1p., 7.25 x 5.0 inch (visible), n.p., n.d. Page from the book “ÉTUDES PRATIQUES DE MÉTÉOROLOGIE”. Signed at the top in ink by Eiffel. Handsomely matted in gray with a fine photograph of Eiffel to an overall of 9.0 x 11.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners. Excellent condition.

Price: $ 950 / € 790



Sade, Donatien Alphonse Francois, Marquis de (1740-1814)

Autograph letter signed

French nobleman, revolutionary politician, philosopher and writer, famous for his libertine sexuality. Autograph letter signed “Sade”. 1p., bifolium, 6.75 x 8.5 inch, n.p., 1809 December 5. Addressed on verso in Marquis de Sade’s hand to “Monsieur Niepert - pere in Carpentras”. A fine letter regarding a payment of 410 frcs. In French, in parts: “…il m’est absolument impossible d’attendre davantage, et vous m’affligerez véritablement si vous me faites éprouver de plus longs délais…”. Mailing folds, minor hole from opening the wax seal on verso, handling wear, else fine. A very uncommon autograph, rarely seen on the autograph market. Provenance : collection Aristophile.

Price: $ 3,300 / € 2.750



Nelson, Horatio (1758-1805)

Wonderful content autograph letter signed

British flag officer in the Royal Navy. He was noted for his inspirational leadership and superb grasp of strategy and unconventional tactics, which resulted in a number of decisive naval victories, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars. He was wounded several times in combat, losing one arm in the unsuccessful attempt to conquer Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the sight in one eye in Corsica. He was shot and killed during his final victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Exceptional and wonderful content autograph letter signed only three days after Nelson's triumph at the Battle of Copenhagen and signed “Nelson & Bronte”. Three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 8.75 inch, St. George, April 5, (1801) 10 at night. Letter to Sir Thomas Warburton, in full: "I had truly the pleasure & satisfaction of having your son on board this day at dinner. He is without a compliment a very fine Lad and he minds as not no more than his Father. The Messengers for peace came off this day. Sir Hyde (Parker) sent for me and whether these people paid me too much attention as for what cause I cannot say but it did not appear very agreeable, and from my heart I hope never to be sent for again but it has invariably been my misfortune to be slighted when no longer thought to be useful. My heart is broken I can assure you and God knows I am fag‘d to death. I hope I may have provisional leave to quit my place whenever my state of health or other causes may make me think it necessary. On all occasions I have endeavour’d to do my best in the station in which I am placed, but my heart is tender and cannot bear what I feel undeserved rubs, but enough of my misfortunes. Capt. Bligh deserves a better ship than the glutton. No man in the world could acquit himself better in every respect. Poor Retschik wants to be removed from the Defiance and I am trying to get him into the Monarch & for Capt. Birchall to take the Jamaica as I am told Capt. Rose wishes to get into the Defiance. Under my present feelings I send you a copy of a letter I wrote some time past. I wrote another the same evening offering my services such as they were to command the attack and gave in the place with scarcely a shade of difference on the 25th but time and patience the world will do me justice. Let who will try to pull me down. In confidence you may shew the enclosed to Lord St. V(incen)t and then burn it." In a postscript, Nelson has added: "Do not think me particularly pipped. If you was here you would go mad and the description will make you half so." Excellent and professionally inlaid into a slightly larger sheet. In fine condition. Three days earlier, Nelson and his British fleet fought a large contingent of the Dano-Norwegian Navy in the pivotal Battle of Copenhagen on April 2, 1801. The British aim was to force Denmark from the Second League of Armed Neutrality, a coalition of the north European naval powers designed to protect shipping against the Royal Navy's wartime policy of unlimited search of neutral shipping for French contraband. On the strength of Britain’s superior gunnery, Nelson’s fleet overwhelmed the Danes and negotiations were reopened the following day in Copenhagen. News of Paul I of Russia’s assassination hastened the discussions and the final peace agreement was signed on October 23rd. As a reward for the victory, Nelson was created Viscount Nelson of the Nile and of Burnham Thorpe in the County of Norfolk, on May 19, 1801.

Price: $ 7,800 / € 6.500



Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (1900-1944)

Rare book signed “COURRIER SUD”

French writer, poet, aristocrat, journalist and pioneering aviator. He became a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and also won the United States National Book Award. He is best remembered for his novella “The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince)”. Book signed “Antoine de Saint-Exupéry”. Book “Courrier Sud”. Softcover, 4.75 x 7.25 inch, Librairie Gallimard, Paris, 1929, 227 pages. Dedicated in French in Saint-Exupéry’s hand “En hommages respectueux d’ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry”. The name of the dedication recipient has been cut out. The defect has been professionally repaired. Housed in a wonderful custom made box especially for this book. Book discolored, stained, handling wear, writing dark and fine. Box in mint condition.

Price: $ 2,340 / € 1.950



Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) & Madison, James (1751-1836)

Document signed by both

3. President of the United States and 4. President of the United States. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Document signed “Th:Jefferson” and “James Madison”. 1 page, partly printed, 14.75 x 9.5 inch, City of Washington, 1803 November 18. Uncommon fine and dark Jefferson signature, paper seal intact. Appointment of Isaac Briggs as United States Surveyor "of the Lands of the United States South of the State of Tennessee." A fine document signed by Thomas Jefferson and countersigned by James Madison as Secretary of State. Though Jefferson had signed the Louisiana Purchase only seven months earlier, formal surveying for the newly acquired 828,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River did not begin until 1815. It is likely that Jefferson appointed Briggs to survey lands as part of the ongoing Public Land Survey System created in 1785. Chipping at margins expertly repaired by my paper restauration company, mailing folds, slightly discolored, else good condition.

Price: $ 9,500 / € 8.000



George I., King (1660-1727)

Document signed

King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1 August 1714 and ruler of the Electorate of Hanover within the Holy Roman Empire from 23 January 1698 until his death in 1727. He was the first British monarch of the House of Hanover. Document signed “Guht williger Georg Ludewig Cuhrfürste”. 2 pages, bifolium, 8.0 x 12.5 inch, Hannover, 1700 March 18, fine wax seal and address on the second page of the bifolium. As Elector of Hanover to the Bavarian envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg, Count Tattenbach, whom he thanks for his services "for the Chursache". In German: "... Wir haben das zuverlassige Vertrawen, derselbe werde … die beforderung Unserer introduction in das Churfürstliche Collegium … sich … aufs Beste recommendiret seyn zulassen belieben …" Mailing folds, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 1,500 / € 1.250



Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)

Document signed

German writer, scientist, and philosopher who takes a place among the central intellectual and artistic figures of his day. Document signed “Goethe”. 1p., 8.0 x 13.25 inch, Weimar 1780 October 13. Goethe as chairman of the “Fürstl: Sächs.: Kriegs-Commission”, signs a discharge certificate for a recruit. In German, in full: “Dem Stadt Rathe, hierselbst, wird andurch nachrichtlich bekannt gemacht, daß von fürstl. Sächs. Kriegs-Commißion allh. (ier) auf geziemendes Nachsuchen, die gänzlich Entlaßung des Recruten Johann Friedrich Meißner, allh. von seinem zeitherigen Militar Engagement resolviret und selbigem der Laufpaß bereits abgenommen worden; es hat demnach Eingangs bemeldter Stadt-Rath genannten Meißner in der Recruten-Liste zu deliren“. Countersigned „von Volgstaedt”. Bottom left a note in unknown hand “583./ praes. d. 18. Octbrs. 1780” and a second note “Goethe signature”. From 1777, Goethe's official activities extended to the renewal of the Ilmenau mining industry and from 1779 to the chairmanship of two permanent commissions, the road construction commission and the war commission (Kriegs-Commission), with responsibility for recruiting recruits for the Weimar army. Left edge slightly trimmed, mailing fold, minor paper loss lower right edge, handling wear, else good condition. 

Price: $ 6,900 / € 5.750



Koch, Robert (1843-1910)

Scarce autograph letter signed

German physician, pioneering microbiologist and the founder of modern bacteriology. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. Autograph letter signed “R. Koch”. 2 pages, bifolium, recto and verso, 4.5 x 7.0 inch, Berlin, 1893 March 10. A fine letter written at the time Koch was the director of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin. In German, in full: “Hochgeehrter Herr Geheimrath! Wiederholt habe ich es versucht, Sie im Ministerium zu treffen, habe aber kein Glück gehabt. Da ich im Begriff bin, nach Dresden abzureisen, so möchte ich Ihnen vorher noch die kurze Mittheilung machen, daß ich vor zwei Tagen mit den Kuratoren des Bleichröderischen Nachlasses auf deren Einladung eine Besprechung gehabt habe. Dieselben erkannten die Verpflichtung zur Erfüllung der von Herrn v. Bleichröder gemachten Zusage an, wollten aber von meiner Verbindung der Bleichröder-Stiftung mit Einwirkungen, welche vom Kultusministerium ausgehen, nicht erst etwas wissen. Sie verlangten von mir Auskunft darüber, ob der Verstorbene dem Kultusministerium gegenüber bindende Erklärungen abgegeben habe, worüber ich natürlich nichts angeben konnte. Ich glaube, dass wenn die Kuratoren für Ihr Pläne gewonnen werden sollen, dies bald geschehen müsste und zwar auf Grund bestimmter Vorschläge, die ihnen annehmbar erscheinen müssen. P.S. Besten Dank für die erfreuliche Mittheilung über Lebbertis Ernennung zum Sanitätsarzt.“ Translated: “Repeatedly I have tried to meet you at the Ministry but have had no luck. Since I am at the point of going to Dresden, I want to give you this bit of information, that two days ago, upon their invitation, I had a discussion with the trustees of the Bleichröder estate. They recognized their obligation to fulfill the promise made by Mr. v. Bleichröder, but did not want to hear anything about a combination of the Bleichröder-Foundation with arrangements initiated by the Ministry. They demanded that I inform them whether the deceased had made binding declarations to the Ministry. Of course I could not say anything about this. I think that if the trustees need to be won over this has to be done soon and has to be based on certain suggestions which have to seem acceptable to them. P.S. Thank you very much for the pleasant news about Lebberti's appointment as medical doctor.” Mailing fold, else fine condition. The deceased named in the letter was Gerson von Bleichröder (1822-1893) a Jewish German banker. 

Price: $ 3,480 / € 2.900



Virchow, Rudolf (1821-1902)

Autograph letter signed

German physician, anthropologist, pathologist, prehistorian, biologist, writer, editor, and politician. He is known as "the father of modern pathology". Autograph letter signed “R. Virchow”. 1p., bifolium, 5.5 x 8.75 inch, Berlin 1894 February 28. The letter is nearly impossible to read. In German: “Verehrter Herr Luther, Besten Dank für die übersandten … Es ist ein richtiger Fall von einer Leukämie. … die Lehren von … genannt. Der … Herr wird noch von mir gegrüßt werden. Besten Gruß”. Mailing folds, handling wear, else fine condition.

Price: $ 1,080 / € 900



Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907)

Beautiful Carte-de-Visite photograph signed

Norwegian composer and pianist. He is widely considered one of the leading Romantic era composers, and his music is part of the standard classical repertoire worldwide. Beautiful Carte-de-Visite photograph signed “Edvard Grieg”. Carte-de-Visite, 2.5 x 4.0 inch, no place, April 1882. Signed and inscribed in Grieg’s hand: “Fröken Kai Dekker …” with thanks for tablecloth. Photo by Georg Brokesch, Leipzig. Minor handling wear, else fine condition.

Price: $ 1,920 / € 1.600



Strauss, Johann (1825-1899)

Autograph note on his personal visiting-card

Also known as Johann Strauss, Jr., the Younger. Austrian composer and known as "The Waltz King". Autograph note UNSIGNED on his personal visiting card. Card, 4.0 x 2.0 inch, n.p., n.d., recto and verso. Printed "Johann Strauss / k.k. Hofball-Musikdirector“ and a fine note in Strauss’s hand, in German: „bittet Herrn Kapellmeister Genée das Klavierarrangement der persischen Hymne u. der Walzer übergeben zu wollen." Richard Genée worked as Kapellmeister at the Theater at the Wien from 1868 to 1878. Also enclosed is the printed obituary of the Vienna Men's Choir for Johann Strauss (Vienna, June 1899) as well as a printed invitation for a "dance evening with the Waltz King" in the ballroom of the Vienna Hofburg on the occasion of the 100th "return of the birthday of Johann Strauss" and a newspaper obituary. All in fine condition.

Price: $ 900 / € 750



Strauss, Johann (1825-1899)

Impressive signed photograph

Also known as Johann Strauss, Jr., the Younger. Austrian composer and known as "The Waltz King". Impressive signed photograph “Johann Strauss”. Platinotypie, 4.0 x 5.75 inch, on 8.5 x 12.0 inch photographers mount. Inscribed by Strauss in German: „Herzliche Glückwünsche dem verehrten Collegen und Freunde Eduard Kremser zur freundlichen Erinnerung / Johann Strauss". Photograph of a paiting by Leopold Horovitz (Ischl 9. 1891). Photo by J. Löwy, Wien 1897. Slightly discolored, minor handling and corner wear, else good condition. Kremser worked from 1869 to 1899 as choirmaster of the Vienna Men's Singing Association, which, among other things, premiered the waltzes "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" and "Wine, woman and Song". Impressive photograph!

Price: $ 2,700 / € 2.250



Frederick III. (1831-1888)

Exceedingly rare letter signed as King & Emperor (1888/ 99 days)

Frederick III. was German Emperor and King of Prussia for 99 days in 1888, the Year of the Three Emperors. Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Karl, known informally as Fritz, was the only son of Emperor William I. and was raised in his family's tradition of military service. Although celebrated as a young man for his leadership and successes during the Second Schleswig, Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian wars. Rare letter signed “Friedrich”, as King and Emperor. 1p., bifolium, 8.25 x 10.5 inch, Charlottenburg, 1888 April 17. Black border mourning stationery (his father Wilhelm I. died on March 9, 1888). To his nephew Prince Friedrich Leopold, "Premier-Lieutenant à la suite Meines Regiments der Gardes du Corps", regarding his appointment as cavalry captain. In German, in full: “Ich habe seine königliche Hoheit heute zum Rittmeister befördert und demgemäß an das General-Kommando des Garde-Korps verfügt. Es gereicht mir zum besonderen Vergnügen seine königliche Hoheit hiervon in Kenntniß zu setzen“. A large and bold signature, dated during his short reign. Mounting residue on the blank second page of the bifolium, handling wear, else good condition. Exceedingly rare. After 27 years as Crown Prince, Frederick III. became Emperor, but suffering from cancer of the larynx he died aged 56 after reigning for only three months. 

Price: $ 2,150 / € 1.800



Frederick III. (1831-1888)

Rare autograph note signed as King & Emperor (1888/ 99 days)

Frederick III. was German Emperor and King of Prussia for 99 days in 1888, the Year of the Three Emperors. Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Karl, known informally as Fritz, was the only son of Emperor William I. and was raised in his family's tradition of military service. Although celebrated as a young man for his leadership and successes during the Second Schleswig, Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian wars. Rare autograph note signed “Friedrich”, as King and Emperor. 1p., 3.75 x 6.0 inch, n.p., n.d. One of the conversation slips of the terminally ill emperor, written during the 99 days. In German, in full: “Ich bitte um Abschrift der Zeiteinteilung für die Herbstübungen des GardeCorps”. Translated: “I would like to request a copy of the time schedule for the GardeCorps' fall exercises”. Horizontal and vertical fold, minor handling wear, ink name note at the bottom, else fine condition. Exceedingly rare. After 27 years as Crown Prince, Frederick III. became Emperor, but suffering from cancer of the larynx he died aged 56 after reigning for only three months. 

Price: $ 1,500 / € 1.250

