History A - E

Adenauer, Konrad (1876-1967)

Fine content autograph letter signed

European statesman who served as the first post-war Chancellor of West Germany from 1949 to 1963. Autograph letter signed “K. Adenauer”. 2 pages, bifolium, Rhöndorf, 1961 January 21. On his „Bundeskanzler K. Adenauer” stationery. A fine handwritten letter to Alix Cillien in Hannover. In German, in full: „Liebe Frau Cillien! Ich danke Ihnen von Herzen für den wundervollen Kalender, den Sie mir  sandten; ich bin sehr gerührt, daß Sie soviel Zeit, Nachdenken und Mühe für mich aufgewendet haben. Ich hoffe, daß Sie weiter politisch tätig sind. Die Verhältnisse in Niedersachsen sind ja durch die Katastrophe der DP etwas verworren. Ich hoffe sehr, daß die CDU die guten Elemente zu sich herüber zieht. Ihnen und Ihren Kindern sende ich recht herzliche Grüße und wünsche Ihnen alles Gute für 1961“. The original mailing envelope is included. Mailing fold, else fine condition. Alix Cillien wife of Adolf Cillien (1893-1960). German politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), former member of the German Bundestag and friend of K. Adenauer. Adenauer is a very common autograph, but he is extremely rare in handwritten letters as chancellor.

Price: $ 1,140 / € 950



Amin Dada, Idi (1923-2003)

Rare signed photograph

Ugandan political leader and military officer who was the President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. Signed black and white photograph “I. Amin Dada”. Photograph, 6.5 x 8.5 inch, n.p., n.d. Signed in blue ballpoint pen in the upper left corner. Handling wear, some stains on verso and slightly discolored top border. Rare!

Price: $ 1,500 / € 1.250



Arafat, Yasser (1929-2004)

Photograph signed

Palestinian political leader. Color glossy signed photograph. 5.0 x 7.0 inch, n.p. (Ramallah), 2004 April 21. Signed and inscribed by Arafat “To Gisela with best wishes Y. Arafat 21.04.2004” Old age signature, Arafat died the same year. Accompanied by a letter of the “Special Assistant to Secretary General” forwarding the signed photo, dated 2004 April 21. The original mailing envelope is also included. Fine condition.

Price: $ 460 / € 380



Bebel, August (1840-1913)

Autograph letter signed

Ferdinand August Bebel was a German Marxist politician, writer, and orator. He is best remembered as one of the founders of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Autograph letter signed “A. Bebel”. 1p., bifolium, Plauen-Dresden, 1887 November 24. To the editors of the "Dresdner Nachrichten". In German: „In der politischen Übersicht der gestrigen Nummer Ihres Blattes erwähnen Sie, daß ich in Fürth gewesen sei, um dort meinen Parteigenossen zur Betheiligung an den Stadtverordnetenwahlen zu rathen. Diese Mittheilung … ist unrichtig. Ich war weder in Fürth noch hat eine solche Beschlußnahme meinerseits überhaupt stattgefunden…“. Translated: „In the political overview of yesterday's number of your paper you mention that I was in Fürth to advise my party comrades there to take part in the city council elections. This communication ... is incorrect. I was neither in Fürth nor did such a decision even take place on my part...”. Mailing fold, slightly discolored, else fine condition.

Price: $ 1,210 / € 1.000



Benes, Edvard (1884-1948)

Large signed photograph

Leader of the Czechoslovak independence movement, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the second President of Czechoslovakia from 1935 to 1938 and again from 1940 to 1948. Signed photograph “Dr. Edvard Benes 6.10.38”. 7.5 x 9.0 inch, n.p. Slightly trimmed, else good condition. Uncommon in signed photographs especially of this size.


Price: $ 600 / € 500



Bismarck, Otto von (1815-1898)

Autograph letter signed

Influential German statesman known as the “Iron Chancellor”, who served as the first Chancellor of the German Empire from 1871-1890. Autograph letter signed „vBismarck“. 1p., 8.5 x 10.75 inch, Berlin, 1863 February 5. To an unknown recipient, probably a court marshal. A submissive Bismarck asks for an audience. In German, in full: “Ew. Hochwohlgeboren würde ich sehr dankbar sein wenn Sie die Güte hätten die Befehle Sr. Königlichen des Großherzogs darüber zu erbitten, ob seine Königliche Hoheit die Gnade haben wolle mir eine Audienz zu gewähren…“ Mailing folds, handling wear, else fine condition. After the founding of the empire, Bismarck's letters no longer needed to be written in such a submissive manner.

Price: $ 1,595 / € 1.330



Blomberg, Werner von (1878-1946)

Typed letter signed

German Generalfeldmarschall, Minister of War, and Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces until January 1938. Typed letter signed “vBlomberg”. 8.25 x 11.75 inch, Berlin, 1936 May 14. On “Der Reichskriegsminister” stationery. Appointment for Alois Hartmann as “Oberintendanturrat” im “Reichskriegsministerium”. Near mint condition. Note: We reject Nazism in any form! Nevertheless we offer autographs of this kind, because it is an important part of the history of the 20th Century. To the extent applicable to those affected by German law, particularly § 86a StGB, historical and military items from or relating to the period and personalities of the German Third Reich are offered for only purposes of education and research regarding historical events and military history.  Clients who purchase such items agree that they will not use them for propaganda or other purposes that would be punishable under § 86a StGB.

Price: $ 270 / € 225



Brandström, Elsa (1888-1948)

Typed letter signed by the "Angel of Siberia"

Swedish nurse and philanthropist. She was known around the world as the "Angel of Siberia". Typed letter signed “Ihre Elsa Brandström-Ulich”. 1p., 9.0 x 11,0 inch, Dresden, 1931 November 22. On “Stiftung: Arbeitssanatorium für ehem. Kriegsgefangene Deutsche” stationery. Addressed to „Mrs. Siniossoglon“. In German, translated in parts: “…Unfortunately, I have to tell you that my time has been so extraordinarily busy through my work that I cannot fulfill your request.” Mailing folds, handling wear, slightly discolored, else good condition. Brandström was married since 1929 with the philosopher and educator Robert Ulich (1890-1977).

Price: $ 540 / € 450



Brandt, Willy (1913-1992)

Handwritten manuscript pages from a Vienna speech

German politician and statesman who was leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) from 1964 to 1987 and served as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) from 1969 to 1974. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971. Unsigned manuscript pages. 2 pages, 8.25 x 11.75, n.p., n.d. (1990). Pages marked 12a und 12b. In German, in parts: "Die Frage, ob wir Truppen an den Golf schicken, stellt sich - schon aufgrund der grundgesetzlichen Lage - nicht. Damit ist nicht vorweggenommen, in welcher Weise sich Deutschland künftig verhält, wenn es aufgefordert wird, an friedenssichernden Aufgaben der Vereinten Nationen teilzunehmen." Translated: "The question of whether we will send troops to the Gulf does not arise - if only because of the constitutional situation. This does not anticipate how Germany will behave in the future if it is asked to take part in the peacekeeping tasks of the United Nations." Probably from his speech given in Vienna on September 3rd, 1990 - "The changes in Central and Eastern Europe: New challenges for social democracy”. Excellent condition.

Price: $ 510 / € 425



Castro, Fidel (1926-2016)

Rare typed letter signed with fine content

Cuban communist revolutionary and politician who was Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976 and President from 1976 to 2008. Typed letter signed “Fidel Castro”. 1p., 8.25 x 11.0 inch, on his “REPUBLICA DE CUBA PRESIDENTE DEL CONSEJO DE ESTADO Y DEL GOBIERNO” stationery, La Habana, 1993 September 21, excellent signed with a blue felt-tip pen. Addressed to a woman in Germany. In Spanish, translated: “First, I apologize for not answering your letters sooner. They were not known to me and have not reached my hands for various reasons. However, now that I have learned of your previous letters and your repeated donations to our country, I would like to write to you immediately, first of all, to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind gestures of solidarity and your generous initiatives. In addition, I am pleased to send you the photo (not included) that you have repeatedly asked for. Like the others, your most recent check will be used to purchase essential medicines, which are currently not available in sufficient quantities due to the trade and economic blockade imposed on our country. Accept, dear friend, my highest regard and best wishes.” The original unpostmarked mailing envelope, probably forwarded through official agencies (embassy), is enclosed. Minor handling wear. else fine condition.

Price: $ 1,925 / € 1.600



Castro, Fidel (1926-2016)

Rare war content autograph letter signed

Cuban communist revolutionary and politician who was Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976 and President from 1976 to 2008. Autograph letter signed “F.”. 1p., 6.0 x 6.5 inch, n.p., (1988 July 2). Addressed to the Generals Polo and Ochoa. In Spanish: “Ochoa y Polo: El Regimiento de pecho se debe dirigir a Lubango. Despues decidieramos su ulterios ubicacion. Seguir inriestiendo con los angolanos la entrega de los grupos solicitados.” Translated: “Ochoa and Polo: The regiment of Pechora (located in Matala) must go to Lubango. We will make a decision later on their position. Keep pushing the Angolans so the designated groups surrender. Greetings. F.” In this rare autograph letter signed Fidel Castro gives instructions for military operations to support the Marxist party in Angola against the United States. He addresses his main generals on the spot: Polo Cintra Fria (Leopoldo Cintra Frias, born in 1941, currently Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces) and Arnoldo Ochoa Sanchez (1930-1989/shot for corruption). Date written in pencil and in a different hand at the top, handwritten note (illegible) on verso, handling wear, else good condition. Rare especially with war content.

Price: $ 1,740 / € 1.450



Catherine II., The Great (1729-1796)

Scarce autograph letter signed regarding allegations

Yekaterina Alexeevna or Catherine II., also known as Catherine the Great, was the most renowned and the longest-ruling female leader of Russia, reigning from 9 July 1762 until her death in 1796 at the age of 67. Her reign was called Russia's golden age. Autograph letter signed “Caterine”. 1p. (bifolium), 7.25 x 9.0 inch, n.p., 1769 June 19. A fine handwritten letter, probably to the Russian Privy Councilor Ernst Johann Graf von Münnich (1707-1788) with the order to investigate allegations made against an emissary. In French, in full: „Par la si jointe Vous verrés qu’il y a un homme qui pretend que Vos Subdelegué le font mourir de faim, conoissant Votre façon de penser, je voudrois parier qu’il n’en est rien, je Vous prie de voir par Vous meme ce qui en est, et de faire rendre exacte justice a cet homme dont je Vous ai je pense renvoyé l’affaire, Vous me ferés rapport de ce qui se passera, ayé Soin Surtout que cela ce finisse au plutot.“  Mailing folds, else fine condition.

Price: $ 7,200 / € 6.000



Chamberlain, Austen (1863-1937)

Excellent signed photograph

British statesman. He negotiated the Locarno Treaties (1925), aimed at preventing war between France and Germany, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Excellent vintage signed photograph “Austen Chamberlain”. Postcard, 3.5 x 5.5 inch, n.p., n.d., photo Bassano. Signed in dark black ink and in excellent condition. Chamberlain is uncommon in signed photographs.

Price: $ 720 / € 600



Chiang Kai-Shek (1887-1975)

Signed photograph

Chinese political and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China between 1928 and 1975. Desirable matte-finish head-and-shoulders signed photo. Black and white, 3.5 x 5.0 inch, n.p., n.d., signed in dark black ink in Chinese. Probably slightly trimmed, minor mounting residue on verso, else good.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Madame Chiang Kai-Shek (1898-2003)

Typed letter signed

Soong Mei-ling also known as Madame Chiang. Chinese political figure who was First Lady of the Republic of China, the wife of President Chiang Kai-shek. Soong played a prominent role in the politics of the Republic of China and was the sister-in-law of Sun Yat-sen, the founder and the leader of the Republic of China. Typed letter signed "Mayling Soong Chiang". 7.0 x 10.5 inch, Taipei, Taiwan, 1957 September 9, on "Office of the President Republic of China" letterhead, signed in ink at bottom by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek. Addressed to Dr. Daniel Poling of New York. Letter welcomes his coming visit and offers to arrange a trip to offshore islands. In English, in full: “I have received your letters of recent date and am glad that you will be visiting Taiwan at the end of the month. I have noted, too, that you wish to visit the offshore islands, and I shall be glad to arrange this trip for you. I hope Mrs. Poling continues to improve. With all good wishes to you both.” Mailing folds, minor closed tear at the lower left edge, handling wear, else good condition. Comes with a JSA Letter of authenticity.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Madame Chiang Kai-Shek (1898-2003)

Typed letter signed

Soong Mei-ling also known as Madame Chiang. Chinese political figure who was First Lady of the Republic of China, the wife of President Chiang Kai-shek. Soong played a prominent role in the politics of the Republic of China and was the sister-in-law of Sun Yat-sen, the founder and the leader of the Republic of China. Typed letter signed "Mayling Soong Chiang". 1p., 7.0 x 10.5 inch, Taipei, Taiwan, March 12, 1960. On engraved, blind-embossed stationery of the Office of the President, Republic of China. To U.S. Army Maj. Harold Lindsey “Lin” Arison, Jr. and his wife Mary Jane. With a fine handwritten salutation and closing in blue ballpoint pen by Madame Chiang. A fine letter in which Madame Chiang sends thanks for remembrances on her birthday. She also writes that she had been in poor health but was recovering. In full: “I appreciate your remembrance of me on my birthday and thank you for the candy which you sent. I hope you and your family are well. I am just recovering from a severe virus attack and so feel somewhat tired and weak, but, that is to be expected, although tiresome, I admit. But I am sure that in a few more days, I shall be up and around as usual.” Mailing folds, else fine condition. Arison (1919–1998) was an American Army bandmaster who served as Nationalist Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek’s Military Music Advisor. The accompanying envelope was hand delivered through diplomatic channels, not mailed, so it has no postal markings. Alongside the address line to Arison and his wife, it has a handwritten Chinese notation in black ink that reads “American Embassy” and there is the handwritten number “1” in the lower right corner. The envelope has been torn open on the back and shows some handling marks. It is in fine condition.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Madame Chiang Kai-Shek (1898-2003)

Typed letter signed

Soong Mei-ling also known as Madame Chiang. Chinese political figure who was First Lady of the Republic of China, the wife of President Chiang Kai-shek. Soong played a prominent role in the politics of the Republic of China and was the sister-in-law of Sun Yat-sen, the founder and the leader of the Republic of China. Typed letter signed "Mayling Soong Chiang". 1p., 7.0 x 10.5 inch, Taipei, Taiwan, February 13, 1961. On engraved, blind-embossed stationery of the Office of the President, Republic of China. To Mary Jane Arison the wife of U.S. Army Maj. Harold Lindsey “Lin” Arison, Jr. With a fine handwritten salutation and closing in blue fountain pen by Madame Chiang. Madame Chiang sends New Year’s greetings and gift of vegetables from her own garden in reply to good wishes and a box of candy from Mrs. Lin Arison. In full: “Thank you for your good wishes and the box of candy.  I do hope that this New Year will bring you and Mr. Arison every joy and that his mission to America will be successful. The beets and lettuce are from my garden.” Mailing folds, else fine condition. Mary Jane Arison (1923–2004) was the wife of U.S. Army Maj. Harold Lindsey “Lin” Arison, Jr. (1919–1998).  Lin Arison was an American Army bandmaster who served as Nationalist Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek’s Military Music Advisor. The U.S. Army loaned him to the government of the Republic of China in Taipei in 1954. He organized and directed a school for music teachers, bandmasters, and instrumentalists, and he composed and arranged state ceremonial music for the government. He rearranged and harmonized the national anthem of the Republic of China, and his version remains unchanged. The Arisons were close to Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang. Arison was also an officer in the United States Foreign Service, serving as chief of the Northeast Asia and Pacific branches of the Voice of America and advising the program director of Vietnam’s national television directorate in Saigon. Arison served on Taiwan until he finally retired from the Army in 1963. He retired from the Foreign Service in 1972.

Price: $ 1,440 / € 1.200



Churchill, Winston S. (1874-1965)

Card signed matted with photograph

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was a British politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. Widely regarded as one of the greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century. Card signed “WChurchill”. Card, 3.5 x 2.5 inch, n.p., n.d. Signed in blue ink. Handsomely matted in gray with a fine vintage “Daily Mail War album” photograph of Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty to an overall of 11.75 x 7.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners. A second unknown signature above Churchill’s signature on the card is erased. Fine condition.

Price: $ 1,920 / € 1.600



Danton, Georges (1759-1794)

Fantastic document signed (15 days after the attack on the Tuileries)

 French statesman and one of the leading figures of the French Revolution. He and his followers were charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government and who was guillotined in 1794. Rare document signed “Danton”. 1p., 9.0 x 14.25 inch, Paris, 1792 August 25. A certified copy of a decree by the National Assembly that lays out some rules for troop uniforms. In Frech, “Paris, le vingt cinquième jour du mois d’Aout 1792, l’an quatrième de la Liberté” (Paris, the twenty-fifth day of August 1792, the fourth year of Liberty). Mailing fold, slightly discolored, handling wear, writing and signature dark and unaffected. Danton helped set the stage for the attack on the Tuileries and the overthrow of the monarchy, which took place just 15 days before this decree, on August 10, 1792. In the new republic, he became minister of justice and virtual head of the Provisional Executive Council. A fantastic document in the context of the French Revolution.

Price: $ 4,250 / € 3.540



Daru, Pierre Antoine Noël Bruno (1767-1829)

Autograph letter signed

French soldier, statesman, historian and poet. Autograph letter signed “Daru”. 1 page, 6.25 x 8.0 inch, 1812 Jan. 28 (?), remnants of a red wax seal on verso. Addressed to the “Pigeon commissaire ordonnateur in Paris”. The letter acknowledging the receipt of a letter and presuming to do what he can. Addressed on verso by Daru. Letter is professional inlaid to a slightly larger piece of paper, verso is fully visible, handling wear, else good condition.


Price: $ 275 / € 230



Do Muoi (1917-2018)

Signed photograph

Vietnamese communist politician. He rose in the party hierarchy in the late 1940s, became Chairman of the Council of Ministers in 1988 and was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Signed and dated photograph. 8.25 x 6.25 inch, n.p., april 17, 1996. Handling wear, some stains, collector label on verso, else good condition. I couldn't find another autograph of Do Muoi.

Price: $ 600 / € 500



Ebert, Friedrich (1871-1925)

Document signed

German politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the first President of Germany from 1919 until his death in office in 1925. Partly printed document signed “Ebert”. 1p., bifolium, 8.25 x 13.0 inch, Berlin 1924 December 17. Certificate of employment for Ernst Liebler as senior government councilor. Countersigned by Gerhard Theodor Alexander Graf von Kanitz(1884-1949). Mailing folds, second page of the bifolium with ink stain, else good condition. Gerhard Theodor Alexander Graf von Kanitz was a German politician of the German National People's Party (DNVP) and the German People's Party (DVP). He was a member of several Prussian and German Parliaments and served as Weimar Germany's Minister of Food and Agriculture from 1923 to 1926.

Price: $ 780 / € 650



Eisenhower, Mamie (1896-1979)

Fine typed letter signed as First Lady

First lady of the United States from 1953 to 1961 as the wife of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Typed letter signed “Mamie Doud Eisenhower”. 1 page, 6.25 x 9.25 inch, Gettysburg, 1955 November 19. On gold embossed “The White House Washington” stationery, signed in dark black ink. A fine personal content letter addressed to Mrs. Phleger in Washington, D.C. regarding the health of President Eisenhower. In parts: “… Being back in Gettysburg is wonderful tonic for both of us. The President looks so well now and is able to pursue many of his home and gardening interests here. …” Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Mailing folds, else fine condition.


Price: $ 190 / € 160



Erzberger, Matthias (1875-1921)

Typed letter signed

Politician of the Catholic Centre Party, member of the Reichstag and minister of finance of Germany from 1919 to 1920. Typed letter signed “M. Erzberger”. 1p., bifolium, 8.75 x 10.5 inch, Berlin, 1915 April 13. To „Freiherrn von Droste Hülshoff, Schloss Stapel bei Havixbeck“. In German, in full: „Empfangen Sie meinen besten Dank für die Zusendung des Zeichnungsscheines über M 100,- für das Conto Rom“. Mailing folds, else fine condition.

Price: $ 450 / € 375



Erzberger, Matthias (1875-1921)

Typed letter signed

Politician of the Catholic Centre Party, member of the Reichstag and minister of finance of Germany from 1919 to 1920. Typed letter signed “M. Erzberger”. 1p., 8.5 x 10.25 inch, Berlin, 1916 March 4. To the priest Hansjakob in Haslach. In German, in full: “Besten Dank für Ihr freundliches Schreiben vom 29.v.M. Sie dürfen versichert sein, dass ich die von Ihnen mit Recht vorgebrachten Wünsche und Beschwerden vorbringen werde. In meinem Wahlkreis ist noch nicht ein einziges Kupferdach einer Kirche beschlagnahmt worden, da ich mich mit dem Klerus meines Wahlkreises in Verbindung gesetzt habe und die Beschlagnahme immer hinausschrieben liess“. Mailing folds, punch holes, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 450 / € 375



Erzberger, Matthias (1875-1921)

Typed letter signed

Politician of the Catholic Centre Party, member of the Reichstag and minister of finance. Typed letter signed “M. Erzberger”. 1p., 6.75 x 8.75 inch, Berlin, 1916 July 6. To an unknown doctor in Münster. In German, in full: “Sehr verehrter Herr Doktor! Die Korrektur habe ich erhalten. Die 100 gewünschten Abzüge werden Ihnen vom Verlag der ‚Germania‘ dieser Tage zugehen.“ Recipient's name erased, mailing folds, else good condition.

Price: $ 450 / € 375

