History K - N

Kennedy, Joseph P. (1888-1969)

Rare typed letter signed by the father of JFK

Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, Sr. was a prominent American businessman, investor, and ambassador. Irish American and the father of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Typed letter signed “Joseph P. Kennedy”. 1p., 7.25 x 10.5 inch, on his personal “Joseph P. Kennedy” stationery, 1948 October 22. Letter to Mr. Kenneth H. Browne in Bangor. In full: “Thank you very much for your letter of the 18th. At this writing, I have no available photographs. However, as soon as I do have one, I’ll be glad to send it along to you.” Mailing folds, minor handling wear, else good condition. Letters signed by Joseph Kennedy are not common.


Price: $ 500 / € 420



Kennedy, Robert F. (1925-1968)

Rare autograph letter signed from Russia

American politician and lawyer who served as the 64th United States Attorney General from January 1961 to September 1964, and as a U.S. Senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968. Autograph letter signed “Love, B.”. Penned on a 5.75 x 4.0 inch postcard, no date (summer 1955). Kennedy writes a brief letter to Teresa Kraus in Washington. In full: "Well this is the way we do it in Russia. It was 55°C here in Chardz(h)ou on the 7th of Aug which is a little over 130°F so stop complaining & get back to work." In fine condition. Uncommon autograph from RFK’s trip to Russia a trip that shaped his mind.

Price: $ 1,060 / € 880



Kennedy, Robert F. (1925-1968)

Signed photograph

American politician and lawyer who served as the 64th United States Attorney General from January 1961 to September 1964, and as a U.S. Senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968. Scarce vintage, glossy signed photograph “For Selwyn C. Gamble With Best Wishes RobertFKennedy”. 8.0 x 10.0 inch, black and white chest up portrait in a suit. Kennedy signs at lower left in black ink. Shows a few very small creases, surface rubbed in a few places, else very good.


Price: $ 1,020 / € 850



La Fontaine, Henri (1854-1943)

Autograph postcard signed with a fine peace statement

Belgian international lawyer and president of the International Peace Bureau. He received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1913 as “… the effective leader of the peace movement in Europe". Autograph postcard signed “HLaFontaine”. 5.5 x 3.5 inch, Brussels, 1914 March 13. Addressed to a Dr. Scharlau in Rostock (Germany). With an excellent statement in La Fontaine’s hand. In German, in full: “Mit Waffen macht man keinen Frieden. Mögen Ihre Mitbürger das endlich verstehen!“ Translated: “You don't make peace with weapons. May your fellow citizens finally understand that!" Handling wear, else fine condition.

Price: $ 900 / € 750



Louise, Marie (1791-1847)

Letter signed

Austrian archduchess who reigned as Duchess of Parma from 1814 until her death. She was Napoleon's second wife and, as such, Empress of the French from 1810 to 1814. Letter signed “Maria Luigia”. 1p., bifolium, 8.0 x 10.0 inch, Parma, 1833 December 27. In Italian to Barone Vincenzio Mistrali (1780-1846) the Governor and Minister of Finance of Parma and Piacenza on administrative and financial matters. Small stain in the middle, else good condition. Mistrali was born in Parma in 1780, he was governor for the Ducato di Parma, and minister of finance for Marie Louise.

Price: $ 1,020 / € 850



Mackensen, August von (1849-1945)

Autograph letter signed

German field marshal. He commanded successfully during the First World War of 1914-1918 and became one of the German Empire's most prominent and competent military leaders. Autograph letter signed (Brief-Telegramm) “v. Mackensen General-Feldmarschall”. 1p., 8.0 x 10.75 inch, Falkenwalde bei Stettin, 1930 April 2. To General Kosch in Berlin regarding his golden wedding. In German, in full: “Herrn General der Infanterie Kosch, Exzellenz, Berlin Zum Lorbeer des Armeeführers die goldene Myrte des Eheglücks! Eine von Gott gesegnete, inhaltsreiche Höhe des Lebens! Möchten Sie von dieser aus noch recht lange den Lebensabend genießen! Meine anteilvollsten Glückwünsche begleiten den bewährten Kriegskammeraden.“ Mailing folds, handling wear, else good condition. A printed telegram (unsigned) to Kosch’s 85. Birthday is also attached. Robert Paul Theodor von Kosch (1856-1942) was a Prussian General of the Infantry during World War I.

Price: $ 420 / € 350



Mitterrand, François (1916-1996)

Signed photograph

French politician who was President of France from 1981 to 1995, the longest time in office of any French president. Signed photograph “Pour Michael Braukmann Francois Mitterrand”. 6.0 x 7.5 inch color photograph on a 7.0 x 9.5 inch mount, n.p., n.d. Excellent signed and inscribed in blue ink. Probably slightly trimmed, else fine condition.

Price: $ 720 / € 600



Molotov, Vyacheslav (1890-1986)

Caricature signed

Russian politician, diplomat, an old Bolshevik and a leading figure in the Soviet government from the 1920s onward. Caricature signed “V. Molotov". 8.0 x 10.0 inch, watercolor and ink, n.p., n.d. Mounted on cardboard. Minor handling wear, else fine condition. Includes a letter of authenticity from PSA. 

Price: $ 1,140 / € 950



Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945)

“Il Duce” signs a presentation photograph

Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician, journalist and leader of the National Fascist Party - known as Il Duce (“the leader”) ruling the country as Prime Minister 1922 to 1943. He ruled constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a dictatorship that ruled the country until 1943. Mussolini was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism. Signed and inscribed photograph, 10.25 x 13.25 inch, Roma, 1931 March 6. And also dated “IX” for year nine of the fascist calendar (1922 March on Rome). Head and shoulders portrait with a blind stamp “Instituto Nationale Luce Roma”. Signed and inscribed in Mussolini’s hand to the Persian Ambassador “… Fatoullah Khan Pakrevan, Roma 6 Marzo 1931 –IX”. Handling wear, some minor bends, else good condition and excellent signed and inscribed.

Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.100



Napoleon I. (1769-1821)

Excellent letter signed (issuing an order in Italy)

Napoléon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and its associated wars. Interesting letter signed “Nap”. 2 pages, 8.0 x 12.25 inch, Milan, 1805 May 27 (Milan 7 Prairial an 13). On the top left corner a four line note in secretary hand: “Renvoyè au Minstre de la Guerre pour autoriser le General (Jean-Antoine) Verdier à tenir un detachement de cinquante hommes dans ce port. Milan 7 prairial an 13.” And signed in Napoleon’s hand with his typical “Nap” in dark black ink. Translated: “Sent to the Ministry of War to authorize General (Jean-Antoine) Verdier to hold a detachment of fifty men in this port”. The note is on an interesting letter from Claude-Joseph-Parfait Derville-Maléchard, diplomat and chargé d'affaires under Napoleon (1774-1842). Autograph letter signed “Derville-Malèchard”. 2 pages, 8.0 x 12.25 inch, black wax seal, Milan, 1805 May 25 (Milan 5 Prairial an 13). As “Ministre plénipotaire” of Lucca (1803-1806) to Louis Alexandre Berthier (1753-1815) Minister of War and Marshal of France. The letter in French, in part: “L’occupation et la défense des cotes de la Mediterranée, qui, depuis Vado jusques à Livourne, embrassent le littoral des Etas de Génes, royaume d’Italie et de Toscane, viennent d’etre confiées aux troupes francaises. Il est probable que le petit port de Viareggio, qui est compris dans cette ligne militaire, n’aura pas fixè l’attention de Sa Majesté, vu le peu d’étendue et d’importance de la cote Lucquoise. J’ai l’honneur de faire remarquer à Votre Excellence que la mer entre Massa et Livourne forme une anse circulaire dont le port de Viareggio est le centre …” He then describes the favorable meteorological and strategic position of the port of Viareggio and proposes that the fort of the city be manned with 50 men. Emperor Napoleon issued the appropriate order with the four line note as described above. With a further marginal note and initial signature by the Minister of War: "M'général pour présenter les Ordres d'exécution. Mal. B.”. Mailing folds, black wax seal with two small holes, else good condition.

Price: $ 3,200 / € 2.670



Napoleon I. (1769-1821)

Impressive large Document Signed “accordé Napol”

Napoléon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and its associated wars. Document signed “accordé Napol”. 1 page, Garde du Gouvernment Imperial, 11.5 x 17.0 inch, Paris "6 pluviose an 13" (1805 January 26). Signed in the upper left corner in dark black ink. Proposal for promotion for two officers (Lebeau und Daval) of the Chasseur-Regiments of the Garde Imperiale. Countersigned by Louis-Alexandre Berthier (1753-1815). Horizontal fold, minor hole in the middle of the lower part, handling wear, else good condition. Berthier was Prince of Neuchâtel and Valangin, Prince of Wagram, a French Marshal of the Empire who served during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. He was twice Minister of War of France and served as chief of staff to Napoleon Bonaparte. Impressive Document!

Price: $ 3,100 / € 2.600



Napoleon I. (1769-1821)

Document Signed (countersigned by Sussy, Daru and Decrès)

Napoléon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and its associated wars. Partly printed document signed “Nap”. 1 page, recto and verso, 13.0 x 19.25 inch, Palais du Trianon, 1813 March 13. Authorization for an American ship to enter the port of Bordeaux. Countersigned by Jean-Baptiste Henry Collin de Sussy (1776-1837), Pierre Antoine Noël Bruno comte Daru (1767-1829), Denis Decrès (1761-1820) and the General director of customs. Mailing folds, minor fold breaks, probably slightly trimmed, handling wear, else good condition. Rather uncommon document!

Price: $ 2,695 / € 2.245



Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889-1964)

One of a kind caricature signed

First Prime Minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics for much of the 20th century. Signed caricature “Jawaharlal Nehru”. 7.0 x 11.5 inch, n.p., n.d. Uncommon large blue ballpoint-pen signature. Printed caricature on heavy cardboard. A Nehru postage stamp affixed in all four corners. Mounting residue on verso, else good condition. One of a kind Nehru autograph!

Price: $ 1,020 / € 850



Nelson, Horatio (1758-1805)

Wonderful content autograph letter signed

British flag officer in the Royal Navy. He was noted for his inspirational leadership and superb grasp of strategy and unconventional tactics, which resulted in a number of decisive naval victories, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars. He was wounded several times in combat, losing one arm in the unsuccessful attempt to conquer Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the sight in one eye in Corsica. He was shot and killed during his final victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Exceptional and wonderful content autograph letter signed only three days after Nelson's triumph at the Battle of Copenhagen and signed “Nelson & Bronte”. Three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 8.75 inch, St. George, April 5, (1801) 10 at night. Letter to Sir Thomas Warburton, in full: "I had truly the pleasure & satisfaction of having your son on board this day at dinner. He is without a compliment a very fine Lad and he minds as not no more than his Father. The Messengers for peace came off this day. Sir Hyde (Parker) sent for me and whether these people paid me too much attention as for what cause I cannot say but it did not appear very agreeable, and from my heart I hope never to be sent for again but it has invariably been my misfortune to be slighted when no longer thought to be useful. My heart is broken I can assure you and God knows I am fag‘d to death. I hope I may have provisional leave to quit my place whenever my state of health or other causes may make me think it necessary. On all occasions I have endeavour’d to do my best in the station in which I am placed, but my heart is tender and cannot bear what I feel undeserved rubs, but enough of my misfortunes. Capt. Bligh deserves a better ship than the glutton. No man in the world could acquit himself better in every respect. Poor Retschik wants to be removed from the Defiance and I am trying to get him into the Monarch & for Capt. Birchall to take the Jamaica as I am told Capt. Rose wishes to get into the Defiance. Under my present feelings I send you a copy of a letter I wrote some time past. I wrote another the same evening offering my services such as they were to command the attack and gave in the place with scarcely a shade of difference on the 25th but time and patience the world will do me justice. Let who will try to pull me down. In confidence you may shew the enclosed to Lord St. V(incen)t and then burn it." In a postscript, Nelson has added: "Do not think me particularly pipped. If you was here you would go mad and the description will make you half so." Excellent and professionally inlaid into a slightly larger sheet. In fine condition. Three days earlier, Nelson and his British fleet fought a large contingent of the Dano-Norwegian Navy in the pivotal Battle of Copenhagen on April 2, 1801. The British aim was to force Denmark from the Second League of Armed Neutrality, a coalition of the north European naval powers designed to protect shipping against the Royal Navy's wartime policy of unlimited search of neutral shipping for French contraband. On the strength of Britain’s superior gunnery, Nelson’s fleet overwhelmed the Danes and negotiations were reopened the following day in Copenhagen. News of Paul I of Russia’s assassination hastened the discussions and the final peace agreement was signed on October 23rd. As a reward for the victory, Nelson was created Viscount Nelson of the Nile and of Burnham Thorpe in the County of Norfolk, on May 19, 1801.

Price: $ 7,800 / € 6.500

